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2023 Operation Winter Guardian Review

Law Enforcement 22 Jan, 2024 Follow News

2023 Operation Winter Guardian Review

During the month of December, 2023, the RCIPS conducted operation Winter Guardian with the aim of increasing the visibility of the police and providing public reassurance during the holiday period. Throughout 2023, there were public concerns regarding serious incidents such as armed robberies, especially those involving firearms as well as thefts from motor vehicles and other theft related crimes. In addition, although there was more than a 30% decrease in the number of fatal collisions for 2023 in comparison to 2022, there were still 9 fatalities on our roadways by the start of Operation Winter Guardian. Considering these factors, a multi-pronged strategy was devised to increase public confidence and encourage good choices throughout the season.

The operation focused on providing an increased police presence through high visibility mobile and foot patrols in both commercial and residential areas, along with frequent but spontaneous vehicle checkpoints both for traffic enforcement and education as well as to discourage criminal activities. In order to increase our visibility, we were able to deploy our new recruits as well as implement that uniform attire be worn by all our police officers who carry out a front-facing function, including a number of our detectives. The Community Policing Unit officers were also assigned to further strengthen the operation.

Additionally, we increased Firearm Response Unit presence over the period, which provided wider coverage and reassurance for both unarmed officers and the communities overall.

To ensure that the public was well informed of our intended cause, we also created a media strategy, appeared on a number of media platforms and utilized our own media resources such as educational campaigns on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or press releases distributed to the media and on our website. We worked in partnership with other agencies such as supporting the Arrive Alive 345 campaign which is led by the National Drug Council and Compass Media. On New Year’s Eve, approximately 5,000 members of the public chose to ride the purple ribbon buses, which ran from 9PM on 31 December to 4AM on 1 January.

Media appearances with Radio Cayman were also frequent during the period along with a safety campaign with popular Instagram Page @everything345, which enabled us to boost our messaging to the wider public.

At the end of the operation, on Tuesday 2 January, officers had made 25 arrests in relation to driving under the influence of alcohol. More than 350 reports of vehicle collisions and more than 250 traffic violations were recorded, and of these more than 100 were speeding offences.

Since the start of the operation, there were 8 reports of serious and violent offenses, one of which was a murder on 7 December in East End, and the others included two other firearm offenses and one public order offense on Seven Mile Public Beach. However, during the month of December, there was a reduction in theft related crimes, specifically general thefts and thefts relating to vehicles. There was also a general reduction in calls for services throughout the month, with George Town accounting for more that 50% of the calls for service.

“Although we did not finish the year without serious incidents occurring, I am encouraged by the response and support of the public regarding Operation Winter Guardian and the results we’ve seen from the disruptive measures we’ve put in place,” says Chief Superintendent Brad Ebanks,

“It is very difficult for us to measure the prevention of crime, however, our officers worked diligently throughout the busy period keeping our communities and the roadways safer. I believe that the operation was successful and well received. I want to thank the public for their support during the respective period. However, this is no indication that we will reduce our vigilance or focus on curtailing serious crimes or our efforts to ensure roadways remain safe”, he continued.

Winter Guardian is a strategic approach that requires a redeployment of staff from across the organisation to respond to community need at the festive time of the year.  The RCIPS is constantly reviewing its resource deployment and responds as needed to the variety of needs that arise within the community.

On behalf of the RCIPS I would also like to wish everyone a safe and prosperous 2024.”

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