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CBC: Imports at an all time record-breaking high

Front Pages 11 Jul, 2020 Follow News

Customs & Border Control received a record-breaking amount of imported goods during the month of June, topping out at 18,000 individual imports. This was 5,000 more than the previous month placing a great strain on CBC resources as well as couriers and consolidated agents. As a result CBC has deployed additional officers to manage the increase.

“The increase of imports are directly linked to travel restrictions, so the normal baggage imports by passengers are now being routed through couriers and other consolidated cargo imports” stated CBC Deputy Director Kevin Walton.

As the borders remain closed, the trend for shopping online and importing goods continues to increase with almost 5,000 individual imports already received in the first week of July.

To assist with timely processing of packages, CBC reminds the public of the importance of completing and submitting an Appointment of Agent Authorisation (AoA) form when using courier or broker services. Along with providing all necessary documents to the agent as this is the importers responsibility

The completed AoA form should be signed, dated and accompanied by a valid, legible Government issued identification. An example of acceptable forms for identification includes a passport or driver’s license and colour copies are preferred.

The appointed agent should have the completed form at least 48 hours prior to the arrival of goods and

customers are urged to submit the appropriate invoice in order to expedite the clearing of their goods.

Approximately 40% of imports to the Cayman Islands arrive with the incorrect invoice contributing to further delays in accessing goods. To avoid delays customers should provide CBC:

Supplier/Sale invoice(s)

Suppliers commercial invoice with the required proof of payment

Please note that courier system generated commercial or hand written invoices are not acceptable and the misrepresentation or omission of the value of goods can further delay the process.

Contact CBC at 949-4579 or visit with questions or for more information.

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