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Deparment of Sports (DOS) & Honouring Women’s Month (HWM)

Local News 12 Mar, 2025 Follow News

Arianna Simonetta McCoy

Lavern Ebanks

Norma Richardson

Cordella Chollette

Avril Myers- Standbury

Number #13 in the series is Lavern

Lavern Ebanks: Acting Assistant Director of Department of Sports

Past Cayman Islands National Netball Player - Past Cayman Islands National Basketball Player

Multiple CINA Club Team Champion -  Multiple CIBA Club Team Champion

Attended Netball Coaching Course & trained at the Australian Institute of Sports

Associate Degree in Social Studies - Teaching Diploma  - Bachelor’s Degree (hon) Physical Education, Sports & Coaching

CI National U16 Coach Tour 2023 - CINA National League Coach – Club Elite 2022 to Present

Past West Indies Netball Team Player - Alternate

Quote: “Do not wait for someone else to come and speak for you.  It’s you who can change the world”.

- Malala Yousafzai.

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer”. #AccelerateAction!


Number #14 in the series is Lisa


Lisa Kehoe: Multi Sports Woman

Retired Cayman Islands National Contact Rugby Team Player

Still actively playing Gaelic Football, Touch Rugby, Netball, Pickleball & Running

Quote: “Celebrate women in sports, no matter your age or whatever life may throw at you - keep being involved in the sports you love in whatever capacity you are able.” #AccelerateAction!


Number #15 in the series is Norma


Norma Richardson: Representation for DOS CFG

Member of 6:30am Fitness Group

Member of 10:00am HUB Seniors Fitness Group

Quote: “International Women’s Month is a time for celebration, reflection, and most importantly, action. It’s not enough to simply acknowledge inequalities. We must actively dismantle them.” #AccelerateAction!


Number #16 in the series is Cordella


Cordella Chollette:  Representation of DOS CFG

Member of DOS 6:00pm Fitness Group

Former National Netball Player

Former National Basketball Player

 Quote: “Let us #Accelerate Action! by continuing to break down barriers and close the gap between gender equality by inspiring more young girls to take part/excel in sports which will help them to stay healthy, gain self-confidence and self-esteem”


Number #17 in the series is Avril


Avril Myers- Standbury: Netball

Manager Rising Starts Netball Club

Member of Mustang Track Club Executive board.

Level 1 IAAF Certified Official

Competed regionally and internationally in Track and Field during her early years.

Pursued higher education at GC Foster College of Physical Education and Sports.

Manager of Rising Stars Netball Club where I also guide, teach, and support young players both on and off the court.

Former manager of the Cayman Islands National Netball U16 and U21 teams in 2023 and 2024.

Quote: “Women are powerful agents of change. One brave girl can rise up and challenge stagnation, dictatorship, and societal norms—not solely for herself, but for all the little girls in future generations.”  #AccerateAction!


Number #18 in the series is Arianna


Arianna Simonetta McCoy: Junior Powerlifter

Currently pursuing her Masters of Science in Occupational Therapy at The University of Essex. Completed Bachelor of Science in Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Warwick.

Actively involved in powerlifting. Mentor and train with several other powerlifting athletes who represent the UK.

In 2023, competed as a junior powerlifter in the North American Powerlifting Federation competition hosted by the Cayman Islands where she secured bronze overall, bronze in deadlift and squat, and silver in bench.

Was also honored with the Proud of Them award for sports for the 2023-2024 period.

Quote: “#AccelerateAction! and change by showing up—for yourself, for those who came before, and for those who will follow.

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