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Fifteen Migrants Repatriated to Cuba

Law Enforcement 15 Feb, 2023 1 Comments Follow News

Fifteen Migrants Repatriated to Cuba

The Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control Service (CBC) repatriated fifteen (15) migrants to the Republic of Cuba on Tuesday, 14 February 2023. The twelve (12) males and three (3) females departed on the chartered Cayman Airways 737-8 from Grand Cayman at 8:39am and arrived in Cuba at 9:23am.

Acting Director of CBC Bruce Smith stated “additional migrant repatriation flights are being coordinated for the very near future. Prompt repatriation flights are part of the CBC’s and the Cayman Islands Government's approach to managing and expediting matters involving irregular migration.

Recognizing that operations of this nature involves a significant amount of planning and resources, I wish to thank the officers of His Majesty’s Cayman Islands Prison Service (HMCIPS) and Workforce Opportunities & Residency Cayman (WORC) for their excellent collaboration which contributed to the safety and overall efficiency of the operation.”

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16 Feb, 2023

The United States should take a lesson from this and do the same . Great job Cayman government.