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Law Enforcement 30 Dec, 2021 Follow News


It’s been quite a busy Christmas period for the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) as well as for Customs and Border Control (CBC).

From accident response, car theft, incidents of assault and robbery, property burglaries, to vessels in distress and illegal migrants entering the territorial waters, the security services have had their hands full.


The RCIPS reports that its Operation Quaker, the road policing component of its Holiday Safety campaign, focused on increased police presence on the roads over the long Christmas weekend. This included additional support from special constables, officers from other units within the police, and 17 new police recruits who supported traffic duties alongside senior officers.

For the period of 24th - 28th December, 31 motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) were reported to the 911 emergency call centre.

Although there were no major collisions or life-threatening injuries over this time, officers did see an increase in hit-and-run collisions.

106 tickets were issued over this period including; 13 for speeding, 53 for expired registration, 22 for tint violations, one for mobile phone, and four DUI(driving under the influence). In addition, arrests were made in relation to two warrants.

"Our road policing units were pleased to witness relatively quiet roads over this Christmas weekend when compared to previous years", says Superintendent Ebanks. "We want to thank the public for practicing safe driving behaviours and helping us to keep serious road incidents to a minimum".

He further urged motorists to be careful on the roads leading into the next upcoming extended holiday weekend.

"As we approach New Year's weekend, we expect the roads to be busy and motorists can expect to see us out in numbers across the island keeping the roads safe for all users. Be patient on the roads, slow down and don't drink and drive - it's not worth it,” Superintendent Ebanks implored drivers.

He also reminded of the available options to get home: “Call a cab, take advantage of the #ArriveAlive345 Purple Ribbon buses, designate a sober driver or arrange for a family member to collect you.”

Superintendent Ebanks said: “As a community, let's continue to work together to keep everyone safe on the roads this New Year's weekend.”


Meanwhile, the RCIPS is seeking the assistance of the public in locating a 2006 Nissan Skyline Reported Stolen on 29th December.

The silver-coloured silver vehicle, registration 161 016 was last seen at about 2.00 PM on Christmas Eve - Friday, 24th December, and discovered missing at about 11.00 AM, the following Monday - 27th December. The vehicle had been parked at an address on North Church Street, George Town.

The RCIPS is urging anyone who spots this vehicle to contact 911. Alternatively, anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS via our Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or via the police website: http://www.rcips.ky/submit-a-tip.


The RCIPS is also seeking the assistance of the public as it investigates the assault and robbery of a George Town man.

The incident occurred shortly after midnight on the morning of 28th December.

According to the police report, they responded to a report of an assault and robbery of a 41-year-old man from George Town, which took place in the vicinity of Red Bay Primary School.

The man reported that he was walking home towards Prospect after purchasing food, when he recalls a white car pulling up next to him. He believes he was punched in the face and knocked unconscious. When he regained consciousness his phone and wallet were missing.

Emergency services attended to the man, who was taken to George Town Hospital for assessment and treatment after which he returned home.

Detectives are encouraging anyone who may have seen the assault or have any information related to this incident to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS via https://www.rcips.ky/submit-a-tip.


Shortly before 9am on Christmas Day - 25th December, police responded to a report of a burglary at a restaurant on Walkers Road, George Town.

Officers were informed that an employee had locked up the establishment at around 8.30pm the previous night, 24th December. Another employee who stopped by the establishment the following morning, (25th December), noticed that the property had been broken into.

After conducting checks of the scene RCIPS officers observed that a window at the rear of the building had been forced open. Inside, the establishment had been ransacked and several items were reported stolen including electronic items and consumable goods.

Another burglary is being investigated following an emergency call received shortly after 2.30 am on 28th December.

Police responded to a 911 communication centre report of an alarm at a Church on Walkers Road, George Town.

On arriving at the scene officers reported that they saw a window screen at the rear of the building had been removed and the window pushed in. Further checks revealed a front window screen had been removed, a window on the right-hand side of the building had been broken, and the front door was unlocked.

On entering the building, officers observed that the office door had been pried open and the office ransacked. It is unclear at this time whether anything was stolen.

Detectives are encouraging anyone with information regarding these incidents, to call the George Town Police Station at 949-4222. Anonymous tips can be provided directly to the RCIPS Confidential Tip Line at 949-7777, or via the website http://www.rcips.ky/submit-a-tip.


At around 6:20pm on Sunday 26th December, while on patrol within the North South, the Cayman Islands Coast Guard (CICG) received a report from the 911 communication centre of a vessel in distress in the vicinity of Duck Pond.

CICG Officers contacted the occupants of the vessel who stated that shortly after they launched their vessel at the Rackley ramp they had begun encountering engine issues and were adrift.

Officers located the vessel in the vicinity of Patrick's island canal entrance where the captain and passenger appeared to be in good health.

CICG towed the 20-foot vessel and occupants safely back to the Rackley launch ramp.


Cayman Islands Customs and Border Control Service (CBC) has confirmed that a vessel with six migrants arrived in Cayman Brac on Christmas Day - 25th December.

The official report did not state their nationality but the CBC officers said they were ‘managed in accordance with COVID-19 processing protocols’.

They were transported to Grand Cayman four days later on the afternoon of December 29th where they have been placed in mandatory quarantine in a Government approved facility.

Another seven migrants arrived in the waters off Cayman Brac on the 28th December but didn’t make landfall, choosing instead to continue on their journey. Their ultimate destination was unclear at the time.

However, Customs and Border Control Service (CBC) subsequently reported that the vessel was later sited offshore in East End the following day, December 29th.

It was intercepted and declared unsafe.

The occupants were taken ashore and processed in keeping with the COVID-19 protocols.

They have been placed in mandatory quarantine in a Government approved facility pending further investigations about their future under the relevant local and international conventions.

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