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Offences of enticing a young person to leave their guardianship

Law Enforcement 13 Mar, 2024 Follow News

Offences of enticing a young person to leave their guardianship

Taking a person under sixteen from lawful care 131.

A person who unlawfully takes an unmarried girl under the age of sixteen years out of the custody or protection of her father, mother or other person having the lawful care or charge of her, and against the will of such father, mother or other person, commits an offence

E. Sexual communication with a child. 228E. (1) Where a person, being eighteen years or older, for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification - (a) knowingly engages in communication of a sexual nature with a child under the age of sixteen years; or (b) encourages a child under the age of sixteen years to make or engage in a communication that is sexual or relates to a sexual activity, that person commits an offence. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is liable on - (a) summary conviction; or (b) conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term of six years.

Arranging to meet a child following sexual communication 228F.(1) Where a person, being eighteen years or older, communicates with a child under the age of sixteen years on one or more than one occasion and that communication is sexual in nature or is intended to encourage communication that is sexual or relates to a sexual activity and subsequently that person - (a) arranges to meet the child; or (b) travels with the intention of meeting the child within the Islands or outside the Islands, for the purpose of the commission of an activity that is sexual in nature that person commits an offence. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is liable on - (a) summary conviction; or (b) conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term of six years.

Meeting a child following sexual communication 228G. (1) Where a person, being eighteen years or older, communicates with a child under the age of sixteen years on one or more than one occasion and that communication is sexual in nature or is intended to encourage communication that is sexual or relates to a sexual activity and subsequently that person - (a) intentionally meets the child; and (b) intends during or after the meeting to do anything which if done would involve the commission of an act of a sexual nature, that person commits an offence. (2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) is liable on - (a) summary conviction; or (b) conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term of six years.

228H. Procuration of a child for a sexual activity 228H. (1) Where a person, being eighteen years or older, engages in any conduct with intent to procure a child under the age of sixteen years, to do anything which if done would involve or lead to the commission of an act of a sexual nature that person commits an offence and is liable on - (a) summary conviction; or (b) conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term of eight years.

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