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Police Highlight Rising Issue of Adults Grooming Young Persons

Law Enforcement 13 Mar, 2024 Follow News

Police Highlight Rising Issue of Adults Grooming Young Persons

On Thursday 22 February, police received a report of three missing juvenile females and investigations commenced into their whereabouts.

Information was obtained by the RCIPS school liaison officer which revealed written communications from a man to a female juvenile requesting to meet at a park in the George Town.

Police conducted an operation which resulted in the arrest of a 29-year-old man, at the park, for Attempted Kidnapping based on Sec 218b of the Penal Code.  A residence near to the park was also searched and police located the three missing female juveniles.

Investigations into the matter suggest that the man who was arrested was part of an organized group of adults actively preying on and enticing female juveniles through written communication, and luring them away from their schools and their guardians.

The RCIPS will be prosecuting the individual to the fullest extent of the law, along with any other individuals apprehended who are found to part of the group or any such similar groups.  Police ask that if anyone has any information about the people involved in this matter or know a young person that has been targeted by this type of grooming activity, to please contact the RCIPS Protective Services on 649-9185.

“This type of behavior is unacceptable and should not be tolerated in our society.  This behavior not only causes significant and often permanent impacts on the future aspirations of the young people involved, but also demonstrates a concerning moral breakdown where we have groups of adults in our society believing its acceptable to take part in such base and malevolent behavior”, says Superintendent Roje Williams.

This past week, police investigated a further five missing persons reports.  Four of the five persons have been located and returned to their residence, however investigations are ongoing into the circumstances surrounding their whereabouts while missing.  Investigations suggest that in a number of the cases, adults grooming juveniles has been a factor contributing to the cases.

“We are seeing a growing issue of adults preying on underage children, more predominantly adult men luring female juveniles from school, or after school and away from their guardians, and corrupting them in a myriad of ways,” says Chief Superintendent Brad Ebanks.  “We must make it a priority to protect our young people, and the vulnerable persons in our communities. One way we can do this as adults responsible for young persons is to be alert to the interactions young people are having over their phones, and the company they keep, and by ensuring young persons have reliable, safe forms of transport to and from school each day.”

Police are issuing a stern warning the public, that the fullest extent of the law will be extended to anyone who may be engaging in this type of grooming activity, and to anyone who may know or condone persons that do so, the following provisions apply.

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