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Police Record a Relatively Safe Easter Weekend

Law Enforcement 26 Apr, 2022 Follow News

Police Record a Relatively Safe Easter Weekend

Over the Easter weekend, 15 - 18 April, the RCIPS conducted its yearly Easter operations across the island, beginning with issuing tips to the public on how to stay safe, increasing police presence on the roadways, as well as visiting various camp sites and residential areas. During this time there were no major incidents of violent crime and no serious traffic collisions.

“We want to take this opportunity to thank the public for being responsible over the course of the Easter Weekend,” says Ag. Superintendent Brad Ebanks. “We were pleased, that apart from a couple of minor incidents, our officers reported very few issues of concern. We look forward to working with our communities to continue this as a norm in the coming years.”

However, with the increased police presence on the roadways, the RCIPS also dealt with 209 traffic matters, including ticketing 80 persons for speeding offenses and 10 for tint offences, prosecuting 27 expired registration offences and 5 careless driving offences, and arresting 5 persons for driving under the influence of alcohol. Twenty motor-vehicle collisions were also recorded during the period.

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