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Progressives Parliamentary Questions

Government 26 Jun, 2024 Follow News

Roy McTaggartr

The Following are Parliamentary Questions by members of the Opposition that were provided to the Parliament for the upcoming meeting.

Hon. Roy McTaggart – Leader of the Opposition & MP for George Town East:- 

1. To Ask:  The Hon Minister for Financial Services & Commerce & Investment, Innovation and Social Development 

“Is the new Department of Financial Assistance meeting the performance targets which the Minister told the House he had set for it?”

2. To Ask: The Hon Minister for Planning, Agriculture, Housing & Infrastructure

“Will the Minister update the House on progress with the project to secure a third undersea cable serving the Cayman Islands?”

3. To Ask: The Hon Minister for Planning, Agriculture, Housing & Infrastructure

“Will the Minister update the House on progress with the design and implementation of a new public transport system for Grand Cayman?”

4. To Ask: The Hon Minister for Planning, Agriculture, Housing & Infrastructure

“Can the Minister tell the House how many people have died or been seriously injured in road traffic collisions since the launch of the Government’s National Road Safety Strategy in November 2023?”

5. To Ask: The Hon Minister for Planning, Agriculture, Housing & Infrastructure

“Can the Minister tell the House what progress is being made to advance the housing initiatives in the Private Member motions on Incentivising the Private Sector to build Affordable Homes and to bring back the GGHAM home programme that were agreed by Parliament in September 2023?”

6. To Ask: The Hon Minister for Planning, Agriculture, Housing & Infrastructure

“Given the number of traffic accidents, including fatal crashes, that happen on the Spotts section of Shamrock Road, can the Minister advise what, if any, traffic calming measures are being planned for that section of road.?”

7. To Ask: The Hon.  Minister for Border Control, Labour & Culture

“When will the Minister make a decision on the implementation of an uplift to the Minimum Wage?”

8. To Ask: The Hon Premier & Minister for Finance, Education, District Admin & Lands

“Why has the national anti-gang strategy and action plan not yet been finalised and implemented??”

Mr. Moses Kirkconnell – MP for Cayman Brac West & Little Cayman:-

1) To Ask: The Hon Minister for Tourism & Ports

“Can the Minister provide an update on:

(a) When the Third Twin Otter aircraft will be received into CAL’s fleet as an interim measure to improve the airlift to the Sister Islands, and

(b) When the SAAB Aircraft which services Cayman Brac, will be upgraded?”

Ms. Barbara Conolly – MP for George Town South:-

1) To Ask: The Hon Minister for Health & Wellness and Home affairs

“Will the Minister update the House on the timetable for the opening of Poinciana, the new long-term residential mental health facility, and confirm what plans she has put in place for the safe repatriation of Caymanian patients currently being treated in facilities overseas to the new facility?”

2) To Ask: The Hon Premier & Minister for Finance, Education, District Admin & Lands

“What action is the Minister taking to improve the key stage 2 results achieved by students in Cayman’s public primary schools?”

3) To Ask: The Hon Premier & Minister for Finance, Education, District Admin & Lands (MP Cayman Brac East)

“Will there be any changes to the governance structure for Cayman’s public schools implemented before April 2025?”

4) To Ask: The Hon Premier & Minister for Finance, Education, District Admin & Lands (MP Cayman Brac East)

“Given the welcome improvement in the proportion of public school students achieving the national standard of 5 or more level 2 subjects, including English and mathematics, what action is the Minister taking to ensure that the trajectory of improvement is maintained?”

Mr. David Wight – MP for George Town West:-

1) To Ask: The Hon Minister for Health & Wellness and Home affairs

“Given the rapid rise in the number of people living on Grand Cayman since the end of the pandemic, are there sufficient public hospital beds on the Island to meet the population’s needs?”

2) To Ask: Hon Premier & Minister for Finance, Education, District Admin & Lands

“Can the Hon Premier advise when the changes to the relevant legislation will be brought to permit the importation and sale by duly licensed pharmacies and drug stores, and the use of, chemical sprays such as pepper spray and Mace for self-defence and personal protection, subject to appropriate restrictions relating to age and other relevant criteria, as agreed, and passed in Parliament in September 2023?”

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