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RCIPS Warns of Fraudulent Jamaica Visa Page

Law Enforcement 18 Dec, 2023 Follow News

RCIPS Warns of Fraudulent Jamaica Visa Page

The RCIPS Cyber Crime team have been made aware of a scam circulating, targeting the Cayman Islands, which advertises a new online C5 Immigration and Customs form for a Jamaican visa at a significantly reduced fee. The page is “c5jamaica [.] com/pages/form#pifyform-13317”. This is a scam and using this page will not only result in you losing your money, you will also not receive a valid C5 Visa.

The legitimate page for immigration to Jamaica is https://pica.gov.jm ; which includes links to the proper online C5 application page.

At this time of year the RCIPS Cyber Crime team urge you to follow the mantra that “if it seems too good to be true, it probably is” and be very wary of goods/services being offered at a greatly reduced price.

For more cyber security advice visit www.exploregov.ky/cybersafe> .

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