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Well done pastor. The word of God is powerful. He loves us but hates sin. The time to seek Him earnestly is now.
As a citizen of this country, I have nothing against people who are living a sinful lifestyle. That is between them and God. It is not for Christians to condemn them. God has the last say. The only thing I don't want to see, are "gay rights" forcing people to accept their lifestyle as a normal and good thing, and they using our Courts and laws to do so ... I think people should have the right not too accept their version of "rights." Jus sayin - Moreover, LGBTQ ideaology should not be pushed on our children without parents consent. Thay's disespect to parents! ... Other than that, gays are free to do what they want to do, so long they don't use our legal system to force their gayness on us. I THINK THAT IS BEING FAIR TO ALL THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN THE VALUE OF NATURAL LAW AND NATURAL RIGHTS. Regards, M.
Pastors and Ministers in the Cayman are on the wrong side of history.
The United Church of Jamaica and Grand Cayman should voice the Church's position on this matter.
Well spoken from our ministers association! They represent a majority of the citizens of this country.
We cannot respect nor honor any government that disregards the Words of God and our Constitution.
Caymanian wanna be
26 Jul, 2022In the USA we have lost our way on so many fronts and other than occasionally from the pulpit opposition to this lifestyle is seldom spoken out against.
Thank you for standing firm pastor Bob!!!!!