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Statement from the Commissioner of Police on Recent Gang Violence

Law Enforcement 29 Jan, 2024 Follow News

Commissioner Kurt-Watlon

As Commissioner of Police the RCIPS Senior Command Team and I are aware of an increase in gang tensions across the island, with the shooting incident in West Bay this morning as the latest result.

I’m sure no one who experienced the spate of tit for tat killings which occurred here in September 2011 needs to be reminded of what can occur when these tensions reach a tipping point.

As such, in response to these increased tensions and recent shooting incidents, including the murder on 21 January, the RCIPS Senior Command Team met this morning to develop a coordinated response focused on disrupting the activities of those persons involved, preventing further incidents from occurring, and arresting and prosecuting those who commit these crimes. This will involve targeted police operations, along with increased armed patrols.

I want to reassure the public that we remain committed to ensuring the safety of everyone on these islands, and are working to rapidly contain the situation. I would also like to issue a reminder to the young men involved: This type of violence will only end in one of two ways: With you in jail, or dead.

I am also appealing to everyone in the community who may have information about persons involved, whether they are an acquaintance, a friend or even a family member. Come forward and provide whatever information you may have, no matter how small. You may just be saving the life of someone you care about.

We ask for your cooperation as our operations continue. As always, let us all come together as a community to do what we can to preserve the safety of our home for everyone within it.

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