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Take the Yoga challenge!

Lifestyle 18 Jan, 2020 Follow News

Take the Yoga challenge!

Take the Yoga challenge!

If you are looking to make 2020 the year that you get healthier, destress more and generally take a little bit of time out of your busy day just for you, then Cayman Yoga Club’s 40-Day Challenge might be what you need for motivation.

Beginning on 13th January and running until 22nd February, the challenge is to attend at least 30 yoga classes within the 40-day timeline. Hally Vu from Cayman Yoga Club says the reason for the challenge is to encourage yogis to commit to serving themselves well, practicing yoga regularly, and living a healthier and “well-thier” lifestyle. Cayman Yoga Club has held the challenge twice now in the year and a half that they have been open.

“The challenge aims to create the foundation for a committed and regular yoga practice, as well as support our community’s growth into one of health, wellness, and loving, sustainable practices,” Hally explains. “Last year’s theme was ‘Mindfulness’, and this year’s theme is ‘Abundance’.”

Hally says the practice of yoga is so beneficial, but even more so when practiced regularly.

“When we take the time to focus on ourselves through simple practices like breath work or pranayama, meditation or dhyana, and yoga asana, we are able to serve ourselves better by creating space for spiritual realisation, thus building a community of well-intentioned, loving, and healing seekers of Truth and Goodness,” she says. “As human beings, we are universally connected – to each other and to nature. One yogi at a time, one pose and one body at a time, we hope to create a shift that encourages more love and support in the world.”

As well as undertaking the challenge, participants are also invited to undertake weekly reflection sessions.

“During these reflection sessions, our instructor leads will guide subgroups of challengers through short meditation, reflection, and journaling prompts so that the qualities of yoga that are practiced on the mat can also be carried into life off the mat,” Hally explains. “The challenge has resonated well with everyone, not only because it helps to create the foundation for a strong and steady practice, but also because it’s created our strong and supportive community.”


Yoga for all

If you are thinking about taking up this yoga programme, no matter your ability and time available, Hally says anyone and everyone is invited to join the challenge.

“The 40 days runs from 13th January to 22nd February, but only 30 classes are required to complete the challenge. Since the only requirement is to attend 30 classes, someone can sign up on 23rd January and attend one class a day to complete the challenge,” Hally advises. “Otherwise, they can also double up on classes in one day to still have some days off. We have a diverse number of classes on the schedule that would enable doubling up without burning out mentally, spiritually, and physically. For example, you can go to a powerful vinyasa class and stay for a slow flow, yin, or restorative class right after, so you’d get the benefits of an energising and strengthening class as well as a calming and restorative class.”

Cayman Yoga Club is located in the West Shore Centre on West Bay Road.

Read more about the practice of yoga and how it can benefit you in our next Lifestyle column.

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