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Community Voice

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Community Voice

Voices that Matter – Hearing Our Children Speak!

Few occasions in life can rival the joy experienced at the birth of a child. But this often-celebrated event also carries with it the sobering reality of the challenges associated with parenting.

24 May, 2022

Letter to Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP

Dear Secretary of State, We are Christian ministers and pastoral workers from a broad range of churches, who have in common that we hold to orthodox, historic Christian teaching on sexual ethics.

02 Feb, 2022


‘If anyone can, then a Caymanian can’ seems to be the motto driving many of our readers’ outlook for 2022.

03 Jan, 2022

A Message from Dr. S. Tomlinson FRCS

Judging from the many telephone calls received, I am aware that many persons are gravely concerned about the future of the Cayman Islands as we battle the pandemic so, I hope the following will be helpful...

20 Sep, 2021 4 Comments


“Baby steps.” Those are the words so many have tried to placate me with whenever I’m enquired about my response to “Cayman Gay Pride.”

04 Aug, 2021 1 Comments


We are impelled to advise the people of our beloved Cayman Islands that we view some recent statements of intention of His Excellency the Governor and Premier the Hon Wayne Panton as threatening existentially the future of the Cayman Islands.

26 Jul, 2021 3 Comments

Ramadhan – Fasting In Islam

As of April 13, to May 13, 2021, Muslims here in Cayman observed Ramadhan, one of the sacred months in the Islamic calendar. Many of our friends and neighbors have been intrigued as to what Ramadhan is and why do Muslims celebrate it.

07 Jun, 2021

Community Voice: To Be-Or Not to be-Vaccinated

I write this for two reasons. First I hope it will encourage my fellow Evangelical Christians to remember, as the Psalmist stated, that “Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death” (Psalm 68:20).

19 May, 2021

Can we attain a percentage voter turnout of 90% or more?

With enough preparation and information citizens can play an important role in shaping the Cayman Islands in which they want to live.

27 Apr, 2021

Recognizing our Brave Women on International Women’s Day

Since I was ten years old, I knew I wanted to be a politician. My mother and many Caymanian women have helped me serve my country as a Public servant in the Civil Service and in Parliament.

19 Mar, 2021
Showing from 21 of 95 News