Students net 900lbs of trash
A student-led clean-up of Safe Haven saw 65 volunteers, who were mostly children, bag more than 900 pounds of trash last Saturday.
A student-led clean-up of Safe Haven saw 65 volunteers, who were mostly children, bag more than 900 pounds of trash last Saturday.
Having just returned from Little Cayman, the Plastic Free Cayman team have had a successful two-day clean-up where more than 30 volunteers managed to remove more than 3,100 pounds of rubbish from the shores of the smallest of the Cayman Islands.
The Department of Environment (DoE) reports a record turtle season in its efforts to protect endangered sea turtles in the Cayman Islands.
A recent coordinated effort of beach cleans-ups has collected more than one thousand pounds of litter, that is more than nine pounds per volunteer, that has been discarded by residents.
Santa Turtle stopped by the Brac with a welcome addition to the islands already busy season, reports Bonnie Scott of the Brac Turtle patrol.
In the past 40 years, the destruction of Cayman’s mangroves forests for commercial, residential and tourist developments have increased the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere – thereby adding to the problem of climate change.
The newest clutch of Grand Cayman’s iconic, yet endangered, blue iguanas are hatching at the Blue Iguana Conservation (BIC) facility.
A female green turtle was spotted in the swimming pool of a Seven Mile Beach condominium complex on Saturday, 15th August. The turtle was trying to nest when she lost her way and accidentally fell in the pool.
More than 100 local students from both the public and private school sectors are expected to converge at Cayman International School on 25th and 26th April for a first-of-its-kind conference, called the Youth Summit 2020....
The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) is an informal partnership between countries and organisations which strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world, of which both the United Kingdom and the Central Caribbean Marine Institute (CCMI) are members.