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Accident & Emergency walk-in entrance to relocate during renovation

Health Care 28 May, 2021 Follow News

Artist rendering of HSA A&E waiting room renovations

Artist rendering of HSA A&E waiting room renovations

The Health Services Authority (HSA) Accident & Emergency (A&E) walk-in entrance will be temporarily relocated from Friday evening 28th May until Sunday 6th June 2021 due to renovations to expand and enhance the waiting room.

Patients requiring emergency care may access care using the main hospital atrium entrance. Signage and security will be in place to direct patients.

“The planned renovation to the A&E waiting room is phase 1 of a multi-phased project to expand the department,” said Dr Elizabeth McLaughlin, HSA A&E Head of Department. “The waiting room will be expanded to accommodate more patients and enhanced with new flooring, painting, ceiling and furniture.”

“I’d like to remind the community of the importance of utilizing A&E only in a true emergency. This will help reduce congestion and wait times and improve the patient experience,” said Dr McLaughlin. “Persons with non-emergency needs such as flu, earache, mild sprains, cuts and colds can visit HSA’s Acute Care Walk-in Clinic located in the General Practice Building. A&E will remain open 24 hours a day without interruption to ensure the continuity of patient care.”

Reasons to visit Accident & Emergency:

• Loss of consciousness

• Persistent, severe chest pain

• Breathing difficulties

• Severe bleeding

• Severe allergic reactions

• Severe burns or scalds

• Acute confused state and fits that are not stopping

Acute Care Walk-in Clinic (for non-emergencies & everyday illnesses). Located at the General Practice Building (Cayman Islands Hospital Campus)

• Monday - Friday 7:30am – 8:00pm

• Saturday - 8:30am – 12:00pm

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