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Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (CUC) hosts final Public Consultation on IRP study

Employment 01 Jun, 2017 Follow News

Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (CUC) hosts final Public Consultation on IRP study

Representatives from across the Cayman community participated in the third and final presentation on CUC’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) study on Tuesday, May 23rd at the Grand Cayman Marriott. The presentation was given by the strategy planning consulting company, Pace Global. An IRP analyses all energy resources that are viable and considers cost, reliability, environmental impact as well as other aspects, providing a roadmap of energy options for the future. The IRP study demonstrates CUC’s commitment to generation diversification on Grand Cayman in an optimized manner. The Company’s goal is to ensure that all energy options are explored before decisions are made on what the grid can accommodate in a safe, reliable and efficient manner. This study will give shape to the energy generation plans for Grand Cayman over the next 30 years. In August 2016, CUC invited members of the public to attend the first presentation. This presentation by Pace Global provided an overview of the process and the consultants invited input from those who attended. The IRP team then analysed all available technologies and screened them for more detailed consideration. A second presentation was held in December and again provided the opportunity for public input on the results of the technology screening and the methodology for construction of various resource portfolios.

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