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Cayman Made initiative showcased to local producers

Local News 24 Jun, 2024 Follow News

Local entrepreneur Nelson Dilbert, who helped spearhead Cayman Made, treats attendees to a tour of his brewery.

Grand Cayman Distillery CEO Moises Sevilla.

Nelson Dilbert

Cayman Made – a new initiative for promoting locally-made products

Windy Vale – locally made jams

Ted Green Fragrances

Over a dozen local businesses heard about Cayman Made – an exciting new initiative by the Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce designed to create a distinctive high-quality ‘Cayman’ brand exclusively for products made here.

Nelson Dilbert, Immediate Past President and founder of the Cayman Spirits Company, gave the presentation, drawing on his extensive experience as an entrepreneur. He shared information about Cayman Made and how it would be run. But he also invited feedback from those present about what they would like Cayman Made to become as it developed: “We want to hear what you need in your businesses,” he said.

Once local businesses have met the entry criteria, they are eligible to use the Cayman Made logo. This logo can be displayed either as a sticker on their product or as an integral part of their printed packaging. The key requirement is that the product should be made in the Cayman Islands, using local ingredients wherever possible. This initiative covers a wide range of locally made products, from jams and preserves to pepper sauces and pastries, and from alcoholic beverages to artwork, jewellery, fragrances, cosmetics, and clothing.

Dilbert said the main purpose was to distinguish products made here - creating jobs and industry for the country - from those who import a ready-made product and repackage it in a Cayman package.

“I attend trade shows all over the world, and most of the time, people say to me, ‘What else does Cayman produce? Where can I find all this information in one place?’

“The Chamber will develop a dedicated Cayman Made website. It will be a full website where we will have to promote all your Cayman-made brands. The logo will be promoted through grocery stores – we’ll work with them,” Dilbert said. “When you walk down that aisle, they’ve got Mexican food and Filipino food. Where is the Cayman section?”

Dilbert said he would be happy to share his extensive knowledge of getting products into stores - both locally and overseas. He also encouraged those who join the programme to share resources by grouping them together.

Chamber CEO Wil Pineau introduced Swan Sandoval, Cayman Made Coordinator, and Glenn Duran who is the Chamber’s Membership Engagement Coordinator. Both are dedicated to listening to businesses, understanding their needs, and exploring how Cayman Made and the Chamber can assist in promoting their products. The Chamber is committed to supporting local businesses in their growth and success. He added that the Chamber could help them host product demonstrations in its conference room and provide assistance with client outreach and marketing. Businesses that join the Cayman Made initiative will also be promoted on the main Chamber website and will be featured in the monthly newsletter.

Businesses that make local produces can join Cayman Made by contacting Swan Sandoval at swan.sandoval@caymanchamber.ky  or Glenn Duran at Memberperks@caymanchamber.ky  or calling the Chamber office at 949-8090.

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