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Opinions & Editorial 17 Jan, 2022 1 Comments Follow News


By Staff Writer


Cayman’s small business sector is the beating heart of our economy.

The array of small and medium-sized enterprises is a vital mosaic of what makes up our ‘Cayman can’ attitude.

Nowhere has this been more demonstrated - and tested - than during the ongoing pandemic.

There’s no question that is has been a tough time especially for those businesses which rely on the tourism sector.

But despite the setback suffered by many of our small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs), some have been able to adapt and devise new avenues just to stay afloat.

We applaud them - and their clients and customers who continue to support them.

Running a business is no easy business.

When the daily ‘closed’ sign goes up, painstaking work continues behind the closed doors reviewing the day’s business, preparing for the next day, and planning for days, weeks, and months ahead.

All of that effort is just to ensure that the ‘open’ sign goes up the following day.

Keeping our SMEs open and trading is what keeps Cayman running.

Whether it’s a one or two-person person operation, a small family enterprise, or a company that employs three, five, or more people, the Caymanian spirit of entrepreneurship has always been strong. It’s what we do.

Historically, business runs through the veins of Caymanians like the saltwater that metaphorically coursed through the veins of our past seafarers.

We are proud of that heritage. Its legacy is that spirit of weathering the storms of tough times such as what we are experiencing now, which keeps the Cayman dream alive and well.

Small businesses comprise the majority of the companies registered with the Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce, a point made by the Chamber’s incoming president, Shomari Scott, when he appeared recently on the Caymanian Times programme, The Panel.

We commend the Chamber and the Cayman Small Business Association for the assistance, training, and other support given to our SME’s. We particularly applaud Mr Scott, incoming president of the Chamber, for his commitment to expanding that when he assumes office this year.

The support for small businesses by the current PACT government and its predecessor, the Progressives, is also noted.

Of course, there’s always scope to do more to keep afloat this vital, and often understated, sector of the economy.

We say understated because the importance of our small businesses should never be underrated.

Caymanian Times will continue to highlight and recognise the vital role our small businesses play by putting the spotlight on the galaxy of SMEs that make up the Cayman business constellation.

In our next series we look at Cayman’s coffee shop culture, an institution among Caymanians of all walks of life, long before ‘coffee culture’ became the global trend that it is today.

We’ll also be highlighting other aspects of our small business sector and the people who make them happen.

Small business by people with big ideas…that’s the Cayman way.

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18 Jan, 2022

More than ever before, our small businesses are vital to the economy. Thank you for this excellent article which highlights their place in the Cayman Islands.