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Community 07 Sep, 2020 Follow News

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” - Ecclesiastes 3:1

By Basil Springer


“When the going gets tough, the tough get going” which means that when the situation becomes difficult, the strong and motivated will work smarter and harder to meet the challenge.

Until there is an effective treatment to manage COVID-19 health effects or a vaccine to protect us against the virus, we are faced with closing national borders and staying at home to contain its spread. This action negatively impacts jobs, our livelihoods, the circular flow of money and hence our economies. If we relax the restrictive health protocol strategies and try to kick-start the economies, then we expose ourselves to another wave of the virus.

While the situation remains tough, we must explore smart initiatives which manage risks, embrace the management of change, and introduce innovative ideas. We must engage in disruptive innovation. Business as usual will get us nowhere. It is time for the tough to get going.

What can we do to get the human resource, our most important resource, to kick-start the economy in the lockdown-induced virtual operating environment? The answer is you would not know until you try. The good news is that we are in the information and communications age and digital technology provides us with the opportunity to telecommute seamlessly and quickly. The bad news is that we would have to give up some creature comforts like traditional travel and education, dining out, recreational, social and entertainment activities, and replace them with the in-home version. Sleeping and peace of mind essentials need not be affected by the restrictions.

The tough can exploit this opportunity to get the economy going, under these circumstances, and, when the crisis is over, we would be so accustomed to the new modus operandi, that it could become the norm.

In this new dispensation, why not draw on the three documented systems of The Shepherding Model which guides individuals with innovative startups to optimally convert their ideas or concepts into commercial realities.

Let us (1) nationally assemble all startup entrepreneurs with ideas that have export potential and shepherd them along the journey to business success; (2) train all potential Shepherding squads (individually or collectively), with interest, certification and experience in life coaching and business mentoring, in the 25 modules of the Management of Business Systems (ManOBiz) matrix; and (3) once and for all solve the major constraint to the full implementation of the Shepherding Model which is sourcing the capital for the establishment of a series of quick response seed/equity/working capital growth funds.

In the last week, thanks to the lockdown, I have taken an important step to potentially source global capital for these growth funds. Stay tuned but let us say that there is light at the end of the tunnel, which hopefully will replace the national unsustainable promises of advocacy, expressed in words, but not backed by deeds.

Have a blessed week everyone - there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Let’s heed the words from the late American statesman John Lewis: “When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.” Now, let’s get going!

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