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Community Notice: 2020 Poppy Appeal Underway

Community 26 Oct, 2020 Follow News

Shadden McLaughlin with Governor Martyn Roper, Association President Andrew McLaughlin (right), and Vice President Paul Ebanks (left)

This year’s Cayman Islands Veteran Association’s (CIVA’s) annual Poppy Appeal fund-raiser has begun.

Donation bins are now available to staff and customers at the Government Administration Building on Grand Cayman, at the District Administration Building on Cayman Brac and other locations across the three Islands.

In return for supporting CIVA’s biggest fundraiser of the year, members of the public will receive a poppy to commemorate those who have suffered in global wars.

Collection boxes will remain at the GAB until Remembrance Day in November.

Members of the public are also reminded that due to COVID-19 prevention measures the traditional Remembrance Day ceremony on Grand Cayman will be replaced by a special video to air on CIGTV during the time the ceremony would have taken place, Sunday 8 November at 11a.m.

The Cayman Brac ceremony will take place as usual and additional information is available from the District Commissioners Office.

Information about the 2020 Poppy Appeal is available from www.caymanislandsveterans.org.


Bulletin Board Copy (Grateful for inclusion in your bulletin boards and community calendars through Remembrance Day):

Cayman Islands Veteran Association’s (CIVA’s) Poppy Appeal fundraiser donation bins are now available to staff and customers at the Government Administration Building on Grand Cayman, at the District Administration Building on Cayman Brac and other locations across the three Islands. In return for supporting CIVA’s biggest fundraiser of the year, members of the public will receive a poppy to commemorate all those who have suffered in global wars.

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