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Court’s Ruling on Same Sex Marriage Statement by MLA Chris Saunders

Community Voice 03 Apr, 2019 Follow News

Court’s Ruling on Same Sex Marriage Statement by MLA Chris Saunders

Dear Friends and Neighbors,


Since Friday’s court ruling on same sex marriage, I have been inundated by residents expressing their concerns with the judgement.   I am aware that a Petition has started asking for the Marriage definition to remain between one man and one woman.


Whilst I note that many of the concerns centre around the issue of morality, as your representative elected on a democratic mandate, I believe it is for the churches and their leaders, to address that concern. I have long argued that you cannot legislate principles or morality.


My own home district of Bodden Town West, is home to some of Cayman’s most well-respected ministers and vicars, so I have no doubt of the contribution they will make to this national discussion.


The Cayman Islands has a Constitution, which ironically this year is its 60th Anniversary.  The Constitution approved by a referendum in 2009, defines Marriage between a man and woman. That definition has not changed since.


If that definition in our Constitution is to change, whether as a result of public opinion changing or if the Government feels it should be changed, then the process is that it goes back to the people and NOT the judiciary. In a democracy, the will of the people is determined at the ballot box. That is the process in a democratic society and that is the process that I will be fighting to ensure happens. What we cannot have or allow in a democracy legislation from the bench. That is not the role of the Judiciary in our democracy or any other democracy and the right to make legislation must remain with the people via their elected representatives.


As an elected representative, I am very aware that the ability to govern can only come from the consent of the governed and that provides the basis for any government to have legitimacy. This consent is provided via your votes whether cast in an election or a referendum.


I am also cognizant that while democracy is built on majority rule, the minority must also be protected. Thus the reason many countries have a Bill of Rights.


While this national discussion continues, I urge everyone to remember that whilst we may stand on different sides of an argument, we must remain united in seeking a solution that ensures a prosperous and harmonious Cayman for now and future generations.


We can only achieve this by moving Forward...Together.



God bless

Chris Saunders 

Email Chris@ForwardTogether.ky

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