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COVID vaccination clinic relocates to accommodate booster programme

COVID - 19 03 Oct, 2021 Follow News

COVID vaccination clinic relocates to accommodate booster programme

Starting Tuesday October 5th 2021, the Public Health Department’s primary COVID vaccination clinic will relocate to the Lions Centre with the launch of the booster programme (Dose 3) and a new supply of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines.

The booster programme (3rd dose) will be available in phases starting October 4th. The phases will be based on specific criteria and health vulnerability. Boosters will be available to persons who are clinically extremely vulnerable (high risk for COVID-19) from October 5 – 8 and October 11 – 15 to persons who are 70 years and older.

“We ask that persons attend for the booster during their designated phase to ensure that we provide the booster first to those who need it most”, said Dr Hazel Brown, Health Services Authority Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) stated.

The 3rd dose of the Pfizer BioNTech vaccine must be administered at least 6 months after the 2nd dose. Persons eligible to receive their booster should bring along their vaccination card or digital certificate showing proof of their 2nd dose and a government issued photo ID.

Public Health received 400 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine on the British Airways flight Saturday 2nd October 2021, along with an additional 11,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine.

The AstraZeneca vaccine will be available October 5 – 8 2021 at the vaccination clinics to persons who are unable to take the Pfizer vaccine due to medical reasons or otherwise prefer to take this vaccine.

Sister Islands will hold a vaccination clinic at the Aston Rutty Center, Medial Wing on October 13 2021 from 9am – 12pm. Persons interested in taking the AstraZeneca vaccine, should contact the Public Health nurse at 244-7619/7620.

If you are home bound and unable to attend one of the vaccination clinics, please contact the Flu Hotline 947-3077, 1-800-534-8600, flu@hsa.ky or your local HSA District Health Centre and arrangements will be made with a Public Health nurse to provide your vaccine in the comfort of your home.


Clinically Extremely Vulnerable Criteria (high risk for COVID-19)

Solid organ transplant recipients

People with cancer who are undergoing active chemotherapy or radical radiotherapy

People with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as leukaemia, lymphoma or myeloma who are at any stage of treatment

People having immunotherapy or other continuing antibody treatments for cancer

People having other targeted cancer treatments that can affect the immune system, such as protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors

People who have had bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last 6 months or who are still taking immunosuppression drugs

People with severe respiratory conditions including all cystic fibrosis, severe asthma and severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

People with rare diseases that significantly increase the risk of infections (such as severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), homozygous sickle cell disease

People on immunosuppression therapies sufficient to significantly increase risk of infection

Problems with your spleen, for example splenectomy

People with down’s syndrome

People on dialysis or with chronic kidney disease (stage 5)

Women who are pregnant with significant heart disease, congenital or acquired

Other people who have also been classed as clinically extremely vulnerable, based on clinical judgement and an assessment of their needs – GPs and hospital clinicians determination


Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (see list abve)

Persns 70 years old & older


Vaccines are available to persons 12 years and older

Parental consent required for children 12-17 years old

When receiving your 2nd or 3rd dose, you MUST also bring along your vaccination card or present your digital vaccination certificate reflecting your previous doses

3rd dose must be administered at least six (6) months after your 2nd dose

The date on your vaccination card for the 2nd dose is the earliest that is recommended

All persons must present photo identification showing date of birth

Facemask required – Please bring your own.

Do NOT laminate your vaccination card

For the most up to date vaccination schedule visit https://hsa.ky/public-health/coronavirus/

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