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DEH Implements Changes to Service Delivery, Management

Community Notices 03 Apr, 2020 Follow News

DEH Implements Changes to Service Delivery, Management

In accordance with the Civil Service’s COVID-19 Continuation of Operations Plan, the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) will be implementing changes to its service delivery and management from Friday, 27 March 2020 until further notice. These changes are necessary to manage the welfare of DEH employees while ensuring the delivery of essential services from the department.

The revised landfill opening hours will be reduced to as follows: Monday to Friday - 7am to 4pm, Saturday - 7am to 1pm and Sunday - Closed. The 24-hour landfill drop-off will remain open during this time.

The recycling processing operation will cease for non-hazardous recyclable materials to allow DEH personnel to reinforce essential positions in solid waste. The collection of recyclable materials will continue to take place to ensure the depots are emptied but the processing and shipment of these to recycling facilities in the United States will stop.

The collection and receipt of waste oils will continue and the public is asked to continue to support this service.

The DEH schedule of residential and commercial waste collections remains as normal at the current time. However, dependent on the development of the situation, this may be subject to change. Any changes will be publicised ahead of implementation.

It is expected that there will be a reduction in requests from government licensing boards during this period.

The following notice for services is provided:

• All Environmental Health services are continuing related to the safety of the Cayman Islands food and water supply and, until further notice.

• Training courses for Food Handlers and Barber Saloon Operators are suspended until further notice.

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