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Dominica car show needs revving

Global News Briefs 06 Sep, 2019 Follow News

Dominica held its fourth annual Auto Sport Show which organisers deemed a success. The show, at Sikwi Park in Castle Bruce last weekend, saw auto enthusiasts showcase the best of bikes, cars, buses and SUVs in music, design and driving skills. The event was organized by 767 Street Promotion – Krew meets Krew, to enhance auto sport in Dominica.


Lead organiser, Sherian ”Ching” Austrie said that this event brings people together, especially young men, and it was evident by the large crowd that showed up from across Dominica.


However, she lamented the lack of support by government officials who she claims, don’t see the benefits of this event and fail to embrace it.


“Auto sports is very poor (in Dominica) due to the fact that we don’t get much help from the higher authorities,” Ms Austrie said, adding that her group has been lobbying government for support, but they have flatly refused to assist.


“We have asked them for the Canefield airport (runway); we ask them for a lot of stuff. Sometimes, we (the bikers) go out to St Lucia to represent Dominica and still we don’t get the support that we need.”


While many welcomed the Auto Sport Show in Castle Bruce, footballers felt that Sikwi Park is not the right location to host the event as the playing field is destroyed by owners demonstrating their driving skills.

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