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Investigation of E. coli O157:H7 Outbreak Linked to Romaine from Salinas, California, November 2019

Community Notices 02 Dec, 2019 Follow News

The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) advises the public that they not consume the affected products; also retailers should not sell any romaine lettuce harvested from the Salinas, California growing region.

• Most romaine lettuce products are labelled with a harvest location showing where they were grown.

• This advice includes all types of romaine lettuce harvested from Salinas, California such as whole heads of romaine, hearts of romaine, and packages of pre-cut lettuce and salad mixes which contain romaine, including baby romaine, spring mix, and Caesar salad.

• If you have romaine lettuce at home:

     * Look for a label showing where the romaine lettuce was grown. It may be printed on the package or on a sticker.

     * If the label says “Salinas” (whether alone or with the name of another location), don’t eat it, throw it away.

     * If it isn’t labelled with a growing region, don’t eat it, and throw it away.

     * If you don’t know if the lettuce is romaine or whether a salad mix contains romaine, don’t eat it, and throw it away.

     * Wash and sanitize drawers or shelves in refrigerators where romaine lettuce was stored.

• If you are buying romaine lettuce at a store:

     * Look for a label showing where the romaine lettuce was grown. It may be printed on the package or on a sticker.

     * If the label says “Salinas” (whether alone or with the name of another location), don’t buy it.

     * If it isn’t labelled with a growing region, don’t buy it.

• Restaurants and retailers should check the label on bags or boxes of romaine lettuce, or ask their suppliers about the source of their romaine lettuce.

     * Look for a label showing where the romaine lettuce was grown. It may be printed on the package or on a sticker.

     * If the label says “Salinas” (whether alone or with the name of another location), don’t sell or serve it.

     * If it isn’t labelled with a growing region, don’t sell or serve it.

• Suppliers, distributors, and others in the supply chain should not ship or sell romaine harvested in Salinas, California.

DEH Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) have contacted local wholesalers and supermarkets to ensure that they do not offer the affected products for sale to the public.

DEH urges members of the public, to refrain from using the affected products and properly dispose of them or return any unopened packages to the place of purchase.

DEH also encourages those who feel they have become ill from the consumption of any of these items, to contact their medical provider immediately.

For further information visit the FDA web site or use the link:

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