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Mental Health Facility Back on Track

Community 30 Aug, 2019 Follow News

Mental Health Facility Back on Track

The Ministry of Health, Environment, Culture and Housing announced today that the construction phase of the Long-term Residential Mental Health Facility (LTRMHF) is back on track and due to start mid-October 2019. The works which were split into smaller “packages” to ensure cost effective measures and fair competition amongst smaller firms has been met with success thus far.


“This venture is close to my heart” says Hon Dwayne Seymour, Minister for Health, Environment, Culture and Housing. “Though the delays have been frustrating for us all, it has allowed the Ministry of Health to ensure that we get a project of this magnitude right in the best economical way. This project is about so much more than brick and mortar. It is our mission to ensure access to quality, affordable healthcare as well as to build stronger communities and support the most vulnerable in our society – two of Governments strategic outcome aims. I look forward to breaking ground on this historic initiative.”


The Public Procurement Committee (PPC) has accepted the recommendation to award the contract for the construction of the Long-term Residential Mental Health Facility – Enabling Works Package to Ron Wilson’s Equipment. Estimated costs for this portion of the facility are in the region of CI$1.3M.


The PPC has also accepted the recommendation to award the contract for the construction of the LTRMHF’s Main Building Works Package to Phoenix Ltd. Estimated costs for this portion of the facility are in the region of CI$5.8M.


The awards are subject to the companies successfully entering into a contract with the Ministry. The Public Works Department (PWD) and the Ministry will begin work on these draft contracts immediately.


Finally, the PPC has also accepted the recommendation to award the contract to AAA Construction Ltd. for the construction of the LTRMHF’s Cottages Work Packages in three distinct clusters each comprising three cottages; a total of nine residential spaces capable of accommodating 54 patients at a time.


The Ministry will work with PWD on this 3rd draft contract in due course. Estimated costs for this portion of the facility are in the region of CI$ 2.6M per cluster; total CI$ 7.9M.


“Despite the delays, I am pleased that we have now found the best way to meet this demand in our healthcare system and to see this crucial project back on track”, says Ms Nancy Barnard – Acting Chief Officer, Ministry of Health. “I appreciate the innovativeness of the Ministry of Health and the PWD team which brought this to fruition.”


Acting Director for PWD, Ms Niasha Brady commented, “We look forward to working with the Ministry and these three local companies to ensure the timely, successful completion of this major public institution.”


The Ministry has worked diligently to ensure that the design of the LTRMHF meets outstanding function.


The facility’s blue-print follows along best practice models that allow for a variety of therapeutic amenities and fosters a trusting and dignified environment.


Principal architect, Alice Liang, is an expert in purpose-built facilities for mental health patients. She has many major projects in her repertoire and is a key contributor to her firm’s philosophy to design spaces that support recovery. DDL Studio, with more than 20 years’ experience in providing consultancy services in the Caribbean, is the local firm working in conjunction with Montgomery Sisam on this project.


Work packages Site Finishing (Exterior Works) and Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) are scheduled to be tendered in the first quarter of 2020.


The entire project is estimated to open its doors in the second quarter of 2021.

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