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NCU Alumni Chapter Announces Scholarship Awards

Education 22 Jul, 2019 Follow News

Following the Jekalyn Carr fundraising concert on June 30, 2019, the Cayman Chapter of the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) Alumni Association announces the availability of its second four-year scholarship to attend the Jamaica-based university.


The first four-year scholarship was awarded to Sonia Asharie Bailey at the June 30 Lions Centre concert. The scholarship, fully funded by a local donor, covers tuition, books, and boarding.


The chapter also announces its top concert ticket seller, Dr. Martin Richards. Dr. Richards sold 120 concert tickets, winning him two nights for two at the Little Cayman or Cayman Brac Beach Resort, courtesy of Clearly Cayman Dive Resorts.


Commenting on the generous support by the community for the five-day youth outreach initiative that culminated in the June 30 concert, Ms. Patricia Ebanks, president of the Cayman Chapter of the NCU Alumni Association, said: “We were moved by the enormous demonstration of goodwill by the community.”


The availability of both scholarships is a direct result of the many donors’ concern for, and commitment to, the wellbeing of the youth of the Cayman Islands, Ms. Ebanks said, adding: “We thank them for their community spirit and generosity.”


The June 30 concert and a youth convocation sponsored by the Judicial Administration were the high points of the chapter’s five-day youth outreach effort that featured US motivational speaker and three-time Grammy-nominated singer Jekalyn Carr.


All public and private secondary schools and more than 50 youth organisations were invited to nominate representatives to attend the June 28 Judicial Administration’s youth convocation held at the Grand Court.


In addition to the youth convocation and the concert, the singer’s Cayman tour, with the theme “Unleash your Potential; Hold Fast to your Values,” included visits to Northward and Fairbanks prisons, Cayman Academy, and churches.


Meanwhile, scholarship-awardee Bailey will commence her studies at NCU in September, 2019. She will be pursuing a bachelor’s degree in education to prepare her for a teaching career.


On hand at the concert to welcome Ms. Bailey to NCU was the university’s president, Dr. Lincoln Edwards, who congratulated Ms. Bailey on her achievement.


Presenting the award, Ms. Ebanks commented on Ms. Bailey’s tenacity in qualifying to attend NCU via night classes at the Adventist Church’s CXC programme while holding down a full-time job.


Ms. Bailey, in turn, thanked the chapter for affording her the opportunity, saying that it had put on her track to realise her dream of becoming a teacher and equipping her to help other young people.


The chapter’s second four-year scholarship will be tenable at NCU in September 2020. Candidates may elect to pursue any of the university’s bachelor’s degree programmes. For further information, email

Among recent achievements, NCU retained its first place in the National Science and Technology Competition hosted by the Scientific Research Council (SRC) of Jamaica, on July 4, 2019. (See recent report in Jamaica Observer:

Other Jamaica and international wins for NCU include the Microsoft Imagine Cup, on behalf of Jamaica (2010); the International Business Model Competition (2018); the Girls in ICT Caribbean Hackathon (2017-2018); the National Science and Technology Competition (2018-2019); and first runner up in the Girls in ICT Caribbean Hackathon (2019).


NCU is among three universities in Jamaica that are fully accredited by the University Council of Jamaica (UCJ).

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