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Portfolio of the Civil Service Confirms Civil Servants can Sign the “Bring Back Governor Choudhury” Petition

Community Voice 17 Aug, 2018 Follow News

The Portfolio of the civil service in the Deputy Governor’s Office confirms Civil Servants are free to sign the “Bring Back Governor ChoudhuryPetition now circulating throughout the Cayman Islands.


Many Public Servants expressed concern to the Bring Back Governor Choudhury Petition group as to how signing the Governor Choudhury Petition would be interpreted by the Cayman Islands Government.


The Cayman Islands Government has issued two documents on the subject of public servants signing petitions they are, the “Policy in Respect of the Signing of Petitions by Public Servants (February 21, 2012)” and the “Guidance to assist with making a decision regarding the signing of a petition (October 2017).”


A definitive answer on public servants signing this petition was requested by the Bring Back Governor Choudhury Petition group from the Deputy Governor’s Office, the response is:


“In regards to the question of civil servants signing the petition, as was stated in my July 30th response to your request and reiterated below for your ease of reference, civil servants are permitted to sign this petition.”


(The full response from the Deputy Governor’s Office, Portfolio of the Civil Service is attached hereto.)


Therefore permission to sign the Governor Choudhury Petition is given to all civil servants (regardless of Ministry or position), public servants, employees of public statutory authorities, employees of public companies and members of government Boards.


Mrs. Georgette Ebanks was an original signatory to the 1948 Petition requesting a change to the Election Law to allow females to register to vote. Eventually nine years afterwards, in 1958, the Election Law was revised giving females the right to vote.


Mrs. Ebanks in signing the Governor Choudhury Petition said “I only wish I could sign this petition a million times to bring back Governor Choudhury, he was doing good for Caymanians but it seems in trying to do good he stepped on too many toes, so they are now trying to get rid of him. Even though he is not here, the good work he began is still happening. I say to the UK Government, please send him back”.


Mrs. Ebanks further stated “I encourage all voters to take part in the decision making process of all things affecting us, please always use your vote or signature to let them know your wishes. It was for that reason why we ladies did the 1948 Petition, now we can vote, use it.”


Since the UK recalled Governor Anwar Choudhury on June 12, 2018 no information has been released on the reasons why he was recalled or the subject of the investigation.


Fresh in the minds of people in the Cayman Islands is the offhanded way both the local and UK governments withheld information about “Operation Tempura” and associated investigations. As a direct result of these investigations and arrests, to date the cost to Cayman Islands taxpayers is over CI$10 Million, with several unsettled pending legal cases against the Cayman Islands Government that may well double that amount.


The UK Government initiated the investigations on Governor Choudhury, but the Cayman Islands taxpayers are paying the costs. Governor Choudury’s salary and benefits are still being paid by Cayman Islands taxpayers. Resulting from his removal are the additional costs of increased salaries when the Deputy Governor becomes the Acting Governor, Chief Officers become the Acting Governor, Deputy Chief Officers become Acting Chief Officers, Heads of Departments become Acting Deputy Chief Officers, and so on down the Civil Service chain of command when every person has to fill a position when the senior person moves up to an acting position. All of these unforeseen short term promotions result in unnecessary increased costs to Caymanian tax payers all because the UKs FCO has removed Governor Choudhury.


“Bring Back Governor Choudhury” Petition group encourages all Public Servants and other electors to sign the petition.


A website, with the petition, has been established to keep interested persons informed: For further information about the petition or to assist in collecting signatures of electors send an email to:

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