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Premier Engages with Samoan Leaders During CHOGM

Government 23 Oct, 2024 Follow News

Gift exchange with Hon. Toeolesulusulu Cedric Pose Salesa Schuster, Minister, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and Hon. Fiame Mataafa, Prime Minister of Samon

Hon. Premier poses with Samoan Minister for Education and Culture Hon. Seuula Ioane

Premier speaks with Hon. Leatinu’u Faumuina Wayne Sooialo, Minister of Public Enterprise - Samoa

By: Anne Kensington-Lott   

The first day of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa saw productive discussions between the Premier of the Cayman Islands, Hon. Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, and senior Samoan ministers. Accompanied by Chief Officer Eric Bush, Premier O’Connor-Connolly met with Hon. Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Samoa’s Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, alongside other government officials. The meetings were focused on cultural exchange, key economic priorities, and mutual challenges faced by both island nations.

The Premier and Prime Minister Mata’afa, both the first female leaders of their countries, spoke about shared experiences in their leadership journeys, including the significance of women in politics and public service. Discussions touched on the importance of balancing tourism and environmental conservation, as well as ensuring food security through traditional agricultural practices.

Premier O’Connor-Connolly and Chief Officer Bush held insightful discussions with Hon. Toeolesulusulu Cedric Pose Salesa Schuster, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, about climate resilience and sustainable environmental practices.

During talks with Hon. Seuula Ioane, Minister of Education and Culture, Premier O’Connor-Connolly spoke about integrating technology into education systems and the need for ongoing teacher training, particularly in remote island communities. Minister Ioane highlighted similar initiatives in Samoa, including the distribution of laptops to students and the challenges of equipping teachers to embrace new technology.

In further discussions with Hon. Leatinu’u Faumuina Wayne Sooialo, Minister of Public Enterprise, the Premier learned about the Samoa Housing Corporation, which provides low-income housing support through government-backed loans while paying dividends back to the government. Both delegations explored the possibility of adopting similar housing models in the Cayman Islands.

A significant part of the day’s events included a traditional exchange of gifts from the Cayman delegation to their Samoan counterparts, symbolising the deepening ties between the two island nations and the mutual respect they share.

Reflecting on the day’s fruitful discussions, Premier O’Connor-Connolly remarked, “It is both humbling and rewarding to engage in dialogue with fellow island leaders who understand the unique challenges we face as small nations. We share a commitment to environmental sustainability, and the rich conversations on education, agriculture, and public enterprise have strengthened our bonds. I look forward to deepening our relationship with Samoa as we continue to collaborate on key initiatives for the benefit of our people.”

Chief Officer Eric Bush added, “Our discussions today reinforced the importance of building resilient frameworks across our economies, particularly in sectors like housing and education. It was an honour to share perspectives and learn from Samoa’s experience, especially their innovative housing solutions. I am excited about the opportunities these exchanges present for the Cayman Islands and look forward to bringing these insights home to further strengthen our approach.”

Premier O’Connor-Connolly extended open invitations for future collaboration between the two island nations, focusing on climate resilience, education, and sustainable development. The Premier expressed gratitude for the warm hospitality and productive conversations and looks forward to further engagements throughout the CHOGM conference.

For further updates on the Cayman Islands’ participation at CHOGM 2024, follow us on social media or visit www.gov.ky .

CHOGM information, visit the official CHOGM website at samoachogm2024.ws or www.thecommonwealth.org/chogm

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