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Reminder to Submit Declarations to Register of Interests

Election Center 29 Jul, 2024 Follow News

Reminder to Submit Declarations to Register of Interests

By: Constitutional Commission

 The Commission for Standards in Public Life (CSPL) reminds all Persons in Public Life to submit their 2024 declarations to the Register of Interests by Tuesday, 30 July. In accordance with the Standards in Public Life Act, Persons in Public Life are required to declare their interests, income, assets and liabilities for the annual period ending 30 June 2024.

Declarations may be submitted online via the Register of Interests portal, which users can access with their Cayman Islands Government eServices account. Using the portal is easy and convenient, with features such as auto-save, the ability to duplicate declarations from previous years and the convenience of being able to view all previously submitted declarations in one location. Tutorial videos, guidance notes and FAQs are also available on the CSPL website to assist with the declaration process. 

The following persons are required to submit annual declarations utilising Schedule 1:

• Members of Parliament, including the Speaker.

• Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers.

• Chief Financial Officers and Deputy Chief Financial Officers.

• Heads of departments, sections or units and their deputies, as well as any other organised entity within a ministry or portfolio, statutory authority, statutory body, government company, department, section or unit and their deputies.

• Chief executives of statutory authorities, government companies and their deputies.

• A person holding a full-time or part-time position in a public authority who engages in an activity that is in conflict, is likely to conflict, or may be perceived to conflict with, his position in a public authority.

The following persons are required to submit annual declarations utilising Schedule 2:

• Members of governing bodies of statutory authorities.

• Members of governing bodies of government companies.

• Members of all Commissions created by or under the Constitution.

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Commissions Secretariat at 244-3685 or roi@standardsinpubliclifecommission.ky .

About the Commission for Standards in Public Life

Created by section 117 of the Cayman Islands Constitution Order 2009, the Commission for Standards in Public Life is an independent body enshrined in the Constitution to enhance democracy in the Cayman Islands and ensure that there is sufficient oversight of the public sector. The Commission’s overarching powers are ingrained in the Standards in Public Life Act, 2021, and the Standards in Public Life Regulations, 2020.

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