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Ricardo Forbes launches Cayman Public Radio (CPR)

Local News 23 Oct, 2024 Follow News

Ricardo Forbes Director

Cayman Islands residents now have a brand-new online radio choice, “Cayman Christian Public Radio,” also known as (CPR). An Online Radio Station, unashamedly sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ, Informative programs, and positive content ranging from Mental Health and Wellness programs, Financial Programs, Meditations, Behavioural Wellness, stories for kids and adolescents, and advocation for women and social irregularities in our communities.

Following months of planning, preparation, and testing, Cayman Public Radio (CPR) finally went live on Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) on Friday 8, September 2023. It’s Host and Founder is Ricardo Forbes, who is no stranger to Advocating for Positive Behaviour amongst Students, when he aired documentaries with lessons for Parents, Students, and Teachers in conjunction with Connect with Kids. He also produced Part 1 and 2 documentaries on HPV which helped launch the HPV campaign in the Cayman Islands along with now retired, Dr Yin.

Cayman Public Radio (CPR) Director Ricardo Forbes emphasized that the purpose of the radio station is to “share the everlasting gospel commissioned to all Christian Communities with the multi-cultural population of the Cayman Islands and the world, with emphasis on Millennials, empowering them to make Christ their choice.” It is also our desire, mission, and goal to promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Addressing young, adolescents, and older individuals, its founder and host, Ricardo Forbes, would like to quote from the book of Romans 1:15 -16, where the apostle Paul wrote, “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation.” The Cayman Islands and the rest of the world are full of intellectuals, yet we live and function in a world where good, bad, and things grotesque are practiced. God wants to touch lives and hearts of all individuals that participate in, live and function is such places.

Reflecting on Paul’s longing, he desired to share the gospel with whoever would listen, even though he knew he could face his death as he shared God’s word. In today’s world where comfort, and complacency is king, it is never an easy task to win souls for Jesus Christ. But, if change is to take place, and we really want to see change in our communities, we need to begin to effect the change we want to see. We believe that even though the world seems to be a more difficult place to share the gospel, once Christ is lifted up, “It will draw all men to Him,” which is our ultimate goal and mission.

We feel we have been given an opportunity by the Creator through the internet by using Cayman Public Radio to reach individuals and audiences globally. In sharing God’s Word, we would not normally be able to do this, but because of internet radio, we can reach people around the world.”

We thank the Cayman Islands Government, and the governing department for granting a broadcasting license, to the founder of Cayman Public radio (CPR). It is something that happened much earlier than expected and at a time when preparations were still in progress to build a studio. Subsequently, because of having the knowledge to produce, present, and manage the programming, and what we don’t have inhouse can be sourced, we have been given a true opportunity to share positive programming and content to our customers and prospective customers. Also, many others who are volunteering to contribute time and talent to the production of high-quality programs that will allow us to share the good news in engaging ways, are very appreciated.

The dedication, however, to the cause, of sharing the gospel among our other programming, signals a desire, commitment, and lots of sacrifice to providing content our listeners need and appreciates.  The station will continue to evolve and be under development, as we aim to improve our broadcasting programming. We encourage listeners to tune in by going to www.caymanpublicradio.com click on Tune In, and press play, if you chose to listen on your desktop.

But for those using your mobile devices, go to TuneIn.com and download the APP, and type in Cayman Public Rado, and take us with you.

Visit our website, www.caymanpublicradio.com , or visit our dedicated Facebook page, and Instagram. CPR also intends to use various major social media platforms to connect with our audiences.

Forbes emphasizes that Cayman Public Radio’s mission statement is based on the method and model of Christ’s ministry. He says, “Cayman Public Radio will unashamedly extend the teaching, preaching and healing ministries of Christ to the diverse Millennial mindset of the Cayman Islands, and the world, discipling them to wholistic living and knowing Jesus our Savior, the only Hope for mankind.”

Leadership support from individuals of strong Christian principles and beliefs, individuals of strong, proven and tried business acumen, and individuals with media expertise, and funding support from a friend and family member, have helped the station come to fruition. The collaboration with distribution networks, such as, It Is Written, White Horse Media, Your Story Hour, The Christian Working Woman, A.M.F. Partners Ltd., and Gaither Homecoming Radio to name a few. We went through our growing pains as part of the journey, which enabled the provision of equipment and software to get the studio and radio station ready for broadcasting and production. Finally, with lots of prayers, fasting, sleepless nights, and miracles from God, the choice was made to go live, and be an Online Internet Station.   

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