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Local News 21 Oct, 2020 Follow News

The Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of the Cayman Islands are celebrating all-female leadership in the Grand Cayman clubs for the 2020-2021 Rotary year. There are 4 Rotary Clubs and 2 Rotaract Clubs in Grand Cayman.

The elected Rotary Club presidents, Gina McBryan of Rotary Club of Grand Cayman, Johnae Moss of Rotary Club of Central Cayman Islands and Stacy Parke of Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise and elected Rotaract Presidents, Kourtneigh-Michelle Nicholson of Rotaract Grand Cayman and Alanna Warwick-Smith of Rotaract Blue Cayman Islands began their journey in July 2020 and will complete their tenure in June 2021.

The Cayman Islands are members of Rotary and Rotaract District 7020 which comprises eleven Caribbean Territories.

Assistant District Governor David Kirkaldy, who holds responsibility for the Cayman Islands clubs remarked that “Since the 1989 Rotary International Council on Legislation change that finally allowed women to join the worldwide fellowship of Rotary, the Cayman Islands have been fortunate to have had many women join and take up leadership positions within the various clubs on island. Our demographics now are roughly 50/50 men and women and it is truly inspiring to see that every Rotary and Rotaract Club on Grand Cayman is presided over by a lady Rotarian or Rotaractor. It certainly is a historic development for our region in terms of club leadership.”

The clubs are embracing the challenge of serving the community in a time that many are referring to as ‘the new normal.’ President Kourtneigh-Michelle Nicholson shared, “We embrace this year’s Rotary International theme “Rotary Opens Opportunities” as we now have the opportunity to reflect and become innovative in how we can assist with making the world a better place through service and dedication.”

President Stacy Parked echoed the sentiments expressing, “Although these are unique times, I am confident we will succeed in making an impact in our community and we seek opportunities of partnership with other service clubs and companies to do so.”

The women join a community of past presidents, President Gina McBryan remarked, “It is a great honour to serve as the 55th President of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman. Each year our clubs welcome change which strengthens, diversifies, and connects us all for the betterment of our community and our people. I am happy to lead a wonderful club and continue a legacy of community service within the Cayman Islands.”

President Alanna Warwick-Smith shared similar sentiments, “To join the legacy of Rotaract Blue Cayman Islands as our 14th President is my greatest honour. The aim of our club is to continue to instill the spirit of community service in our members and community in a manner that lasts a lifetime.”

The women hope to encourage other women to advance to leadership roles in their professional and personal lives. President Johnae Moss provided final words of encouragement, “There will be many who say you can’t do it. There will be many telling you how to do it. However, there won’t be many actually doing it. Don’t be distracted by the talkers. You are a doer! And doers will always find a way.”

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