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Seniors Christmas Party at Pedro Castle

Community 22 Dec, 2022 Follow News

By Christopher Tobutt

Santa was there, and all of his helpers. His ‘elves’ are faithful volunteers from the Savannah/Newlands Development Action Committee who show up year after year to make sure that the Seniors’ Christmas Party at Pedro St. James Castle is always extra-special.  Savannah MP Heather Bodden was there to make the seniors feel extra-special, too, as she and the Committee have done for more than three decades. Pedro St. James’ lawn is just the right place, and pretty soon all of the Seniors- several hundred altogether- were settled down at their tables, overlooking the beautiful castle all shining with Christmas lights one way, and the sunset over the sea and the bluff in the other direction, ready for their lovely Christmas meal, some fruit punch, fellowship and fun. There were lots of other people who made it possible, too, like AL Thompsons and Tortuga, who provide lovely presents and raffle prizes year after year, as well as members of the Lions Club who helped out by bringing food and drink to the tables. There was a prayer, and a moment of silence for all the people – friends and family members – of our community who passed away over the last year, and whom we all miss.

Did I say that Santa was there? Yes, but there was also Mrs. Claus, who was helping the guests take selfies – or “Elfies,” ad they are technically called. It was a lot of fun as the seniors had their photos taken in the “Elfie,” frame. When it was time for the raffle prizes there were lots of prizes, including beautiful candles, and lovely Christmas angels. But it isn’t just people at the party who help. Behind the scenes, lots and lots of hours go into wrapping the gifts and preparing everything to make it wonderful. In fact, many weeks always go into planning the big seniors’ party, and many people help out.

There were a lot of musical performances during the evening Isadora Ferrao, lead singer with Bona Fide, one of Cayman’s most popular bands, sang beautifully, and Noel Wallace played the Keyboard. There were all the favorite Christmas Carols, of course. And there were two guest musicians. One was 13-year old Garcon Gardiner, one of the previous winners of the Lions’ Club Cayman Spelling Bee, who played his violin very beautifully. There was also something very special indeed. Have you ever heard anyone playing the saw? Well, Pastor Kenneth treated everyone to Silent Night and some other carols, played with a violin bow on the edge of a big, old carpentry saw. Bro. Danny Ebanks sang many Christmas Carols, too, and he sang a special song to his own mother who was seated at one of the tables. The DJ for the evening was Mr. Orville, and he played lots of lovely Christmas carols and tunes.

When it was time to go home, everyone gathered their prizes and presents and made their way to the front of Pedro. It was another year, and it made everyone feel special, even those who live on their own and often feel left out at Christmas time.

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