There’s a lot of talk today about the importance of eating healthy.
You hear it from your doctor, on the news, in magazines and online. The consensus is clear: in order to have your best body in good health, you must eat healthy.
Unfortunately for most, healthy eating is a confusing concept.
There’s so much contradicting information out there about what is or isn’t healthy that even the most well informed dieter becomes overwhelmed.
Should you eat a grain free diet? What about dairy? Is it OK to include fruit? What about rice? How about these granola bars that are labeled as heart healthy?
It’s enough to drive you crazy!
The most common reaction to this confusion is to give up. Why continue to strive for a healthy diet when a granola bar that’s mostly made with refined sugar is marketed as healthy?
I’m going to clear up some of the confusion for you with this very simple, very effective healthy eating tip: Eat low sugar.
By eating low sugar I mean check the sugar grams on each thing that you eat throughout the day, and only eat items that contain low single digit or zero sugar grams.
This single strategy will cut out a majority of the confusion surrounding healthy eating. Since eating items that are high in sugar is the biggest downfall of most dieters, by honing in on sugar grams you can avoid many bad food choices.
Are there other aspects to eating healthy, such as including enough lean protein and fiber-filled veggies in your diet? You bet! And once you have grown accustomed to eating low sugar then you should work on increasing your fiber and protein, but for now simply work on cutting out sugar.
Remember that participating in a consistent, challenging exercise program is vital to getting into amazing shape. I’m here to help you do just that.
Call Ernest at Body Shapers Personal Training Fitness Studio 325-8696 or email today to get started on the most effective exercise program around!
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