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Watch the holiday weight gain

Health Care 18 Dec, 2019 Follow News

It seems to happen every holiday season. Office parties, high school gatherings, and family get together. Yes we have a great deal of fun. We enjoy food and drink to the hilt. Nothing wrong you may say. I kind of agree with that but the reality is that after the holidays subside and you step onto the scale, the obvious shows up. You have gained weight. The drill starts, frantically to find a routine to drop the increased pounds. Here are some things you can do to avoid the weight gain.

Engage in regular sustained activity - Get moving. Our bodies were made to be active and not spend time in front of the television. Make time ti ride, brisk walking, aerobics and HIIT. Here’s a great idea for your clean up. Fire up some music and see how you will feel.

Seven a day - Aim for 7 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. They are high in fiber and will keep you fuller longer. Also these contain large amounts of nutrient rich ingredients.

Resist temptation - I know this would be hard for many of us around this time. Make a note of tempting places and foods and make every effort to turn away from them.

Limit to 1 a day - While you may not be able to control every situation, you sure can control how much you put into your mouth. Allow yourself one serving of cookie or candy a day during the holidays. Even if you skip a day please do not try to compensate, just stick to your one day intake.

Say no politely - There’s no need to be rude so to speak. When the invitation to have more comes around simply go to, “everything was delicious, but I think I have had enough.”

Remember the holidays are intended to have great times with family and friends. So have effective strategies to ensure that your weight management is achieved.

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