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What Is an NPO?

In the Cayman Islands, the term ’NPO’ now carries greater significance following commencement of the Non-Profit Organisations Law, 2016, which requires all entities that operate as charities to register with Government by 31 July 2018.

08 Dec, 2017

This is Clyde

Clyde arrived at the Humane Society with his sister, Bonnie. Clyde is your typical ginger male.

08 Dec, 2017

A glorious Sunset

Sunset House was the very first place we stayed at when we first arrived on island, 24 years ago, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. The ocean front Friday night watering hole for many people prior to the advent of Camana Bay, My Bar’s expansive outdoors deck at Sunset House welcome

07 Dec, 2017

Copyright: Fair dealing and exceptions

A copyright owner is the ONLY per-son who can adapt their work; make copies and distribute them; perform, broadcast or play the work in public; put it on the inter-net; or lend copies. It’s illegal for anyone else to do these things without the copyright owner’s per-mission.

07 Dec, 2017

Silk went too soon

When Garnett Silk burst on the reggae scene in the early 90s he was being hailed as a future superstar, to be mentioned in the same breath as his legendary Jamaican predecessors.

07 Dec, 2017

Lyttle’s smash turns all on

No performing artist likes to be known as a ‘one-hit wonder’ but there is no denying that following the worldwide success of “Turn Me On”, Kevin Lyttle has not come remotely close to repeating that feat.

07 Dec, 2017

Great selection at GT Yacht Club

Having become a little stuck in our ways when it comes to Friday evening dining, we thought we ought to spread our wings a little and venture out to the George Town Yacht Club for some relaxed eating in a lovely setting. I am familiar with this location, breezily perched as it is on the edge of the

04 Dec, 2017

PWD-CIFEC Apprentices Earn International Certification

The Department’s remarkable construction industry training programme is run jointly as a partnership with the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre and is solidly supported by private sector partners.

01 Dec, 2017

This is Jaimie

This happy girl would easily fit into your home. She loves to interact with people and is very playful. She can sit when asked.

01 Dec, 2017

Copyright Protection: Duration and Rights

Copyright protection is automatic when you create an original work such as sound and music record-ings; films; when you write a book or poem; or when you develop new software.

30 Nov, 2017
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