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Walters' work ethic reaps double reward

Travis Walters from the Economics and Statistics Office (ESO) scooped two awards for the month of October 2015.

14 Dec, 2015

Rewarded for 'unsurpassed customer service'

Temar Clarke, a payments and payroll officer with the Treasury Department, has been named the Cayman Islands Government Employee of the Month for September 2015.

14 Dec, 2015

Overwhelming response to short-term jobs offer

Around 700 unemployed people will benefit from a government initiative to give them short-term work during the Christmas season.

09 Dec, 2015

Financial Tips for Christmas

Christmas will soon be here and also the urge to spend. Your pay cheque will be arriving in a few weeks. You have worked hard all year and you may or may not get a bonus.

09 Nov, 2015

Unemployment inches upward, while imports fall

The unemployment rate in the Cayman Islands has risen to 5.6 per cent, according to the latest figures from the Economics and Statistics Office. That is up from 4.7 per cent this time last year.

21 Oct, 2015

Gas price protesters present petitions to Premier, government promises action

While their efforts were apparently dampened by rain, their desire to have their message heard would not be extinguished by the persistent showers Wednesday morning.

15 Oct, 2015

Small but spirited group marches against high gas prices

A small but spirited group of protesters marched from the Government Administration Building on Elgin Avenue to the Legislative Assembly Wednesday morning, showing their disgust with the price paid at the pumps for fuel. 

14 Oct, 2015

We are ready to march declare gas price petitioners

Armed with close to 10,000 signatures, the grouping “Cayman Is Fed Up With High Gas Prices” is ready to march, declared committee organiser George Ebanks on the eve of major protest action planned for George Town.

13 Oct, 2015

NWDA and Wine School 3 partner to offer learn the Art of Wine!

The National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) partnered with Wine School 3 to offer several scholarships to those registered with the NWDA to complete their Wine Service Class 101 and 102 courses, which are offered by the wine school.

08 Jun, 2015

Gas Prices Jump Again

After a five week hiatus, gas prices are on the move again and this time they have jumped up by 12 cents or by 3%. On Tuesday gas stations across Grand Cayman published their new prices on their upgraded roadside displays to the shock of local consumers. The lowest prices recorded were as follows:

06 Jun, 2015
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