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Public Health Spotlight Issue 9 – Epi. Week 29

The Public Health department published its weekly Public Health Spotlight on Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases Thursday 28 July 2022.

29 Jul, 2022

Update: Police Investigate Death of Child in Cayman Brac

Police are carrying out a full investigation into the tragic death of a two year old child, and are approaching their investigations with an open mind

29 Jul, 2022

2021 Census reveals population at 71,432

Figures just revealed from the 2021 Census of Population and Housing have shown that the population as at October 2021 was 71,432.

28 Jul, 2022

Another big performance from Academy teams at USA Cup

Six teams from Academy Sports Club recently competed at this year’s Target USA Cup.

27 Jul, 2022

Vacation recovery plan

So you went away, saw a new part of the world, and now you’re back. You ate, you drank, you relaxed, and then you ate some more.

27 Jul, 2022

DEH Laboratory on its way to International Accreditation

The Environmental Health Laboratory (EHL) of the Department of Environmental Health (DEH) has reported very positive progress on its journey in preparing for accreditation to the International Standard ISO 17025 (2017) General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories.

27 Jul, 2022

Ministry of Education Continues its Roll Out of Public School Meals Programme

A team of Cayman Islands Government and Education officials led by the Minister for Education, the Honourable Minister Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, toured the canteen facility at the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI) on Tuesday (19 July 2022).

27 Jul, 2022

CCMI Leads New 5-Year Collaboration on Deep Sea Mount Exploration of 12-Mile Bank and Pickle Bank

CCMI has received a £490k grant from the UK’s Darwin Plus Initiative, which has been subsequently matched by a private donor, to support an innovative, collaborative sea mount exploration project.

27 Jul, 2022

GirlForce 100 celebrates another successful year of achievements

GirlForce 100 recently gathered for afternoon tea to celebrate another successful academic year of career mentoring for its mentees across six participating local schools.

27 Jul, 2022

No Longer on Colonial Territory: Barbadian Republicanism and the Future of Caribbean Nationalism. PART TWO

But what does this all mean?  What is its significance? What is a parliamentary republic as distinct from a parliamentary monarchy?

27 Jul, 2022
Showing from 3681 of 11362 News