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Curbside Access for Passenger Drop-offs and Pick-ups Reinstated

The (CIAA), which operates the Owen Roberts International Airport (ORIA) on Grand Cayman and the Charles Kirkconnell International Airport (CKIA) on Cayman Brac, announced today that drivers approaching ORIA will be permitted curbside access for the purpose of dropping off or picking up passengers

07 Feb, 2022

New tagging project to learn more about turtles

Cayman Turtle Conservation and Education Centre and Upwell, a non-profit dedicated to protecting turtles at sea, are working together on a project to track released turtles, in a bid to learn more about turtles’ lives

07 Feb, 2022


A year-long Platinum Jubilee celebration of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II got under in the UK this pasts weekend with two significant developments.

06 Feb, 2022

Free post-Christmas mulch available

The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is inviting interested members of the public to collect free mulch at the George Town Cricket Field.

04 Feb, 2022

Displaced Tourism Employee Stipend Programme recipients asked to reconfirm information

Recipients of the Tourism Displaced Employee Stipend Programme are reminded to complete the online Reconfirmation survey which asks for current contact information along with other pertinent details

04 Feb, 2022

Police Investigate Serious Assault Incident

Just after 8:40AM, Wednesday 2 February, police and other emergency services were dispatched to Kentsville Drive in George Town where it was reported that two men were fighting on a work site and one of the men was struck in the head with an object by the other, and badly injured.

04 Feb, 2022

Cayman's border protection enhanced with new high-tech cargo scanner

Customs and Border Control Service (CBC) now has greater capability in intercepting contraband and undeclared items entering the country thanks to a newly installed high-tech cargo scanner at the Freight Security Initiative (FSI) location.

03 Feb, 2022

Tourism Industry reboot In focus

A wide range of tourism industry movers and government officials came together at the Kimpton hotel, along the Seven Mile Beach in Grand Cayman on Wednesday night for a networking reception.

03 Feb, 2022

Want a better body? Here’s 5 easy habits

Since you’re reading my emails, I know that you’re a health-conscious, fitness-minded person in quest of your best body ever.

02 Feb, 2022

Letter to Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP

Dear Secretary of State, We are Christian ministers and pastoral workers from a broad range of churches, who have in common that we hold to orthodox, historic Christian teaching on sexual ethics.

02 Feb, 2022
Showing from 4481 of 11367 News