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Another Successful “Clash of the Legends”

On Monday, May 17th, 2021 The Hope for Today Foundation organized a very successful “Clash of the Legends Football Game and Family Fun Day”.

27 May, 2021

Confronting Climate Change: Implications for Small Island States. Part One

The poet Gerard Hopkins, in his famous poem ‘God’s Grandeur’ declares that ‘The world is charged with the grandeur of God,’ but then later in the verse he asks the question, ‘Why do men now reck his rod?’

27 May, 2021

Workout Smarter

All workouts were not created equally. Sadly, many people simply waste time in the gym. Here are 5 tips to ensure that every minute of your workout is well spent burning fat and toning your muscles…

27 May, 2021

MoTT Cayman Brac Vaccine Challenge a Success

A total of eighty four people were vaccinated during the Ministry of Tourism’s Vaccine Challenge event, held in Cayman Brac on Saturday 22 May, 2021.

27 May, 2021

Tourism Minister Visits Ministry Entities in Cayman Brac

Hon. Kenneth Bryan, Minister for Tourism and Transport visited Cayman Brac on Friday 21 May, to tour the Departments and Statutory Authorities which fall under his Ministry’s area of responsibility.

27 May, 2021

Statutory Authorities Brief Financial Services Minister, Parliamentary Secretary

Minister for Financial Services and Commerce, the Hon. André Ebanks, and Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, the Hon. Katherine Ebanks-Wilks, were briefed by senior managers in the Ministry’s statutory authorities on current operations and initiatives.

27 May, 2021

Editorial: Creativity needed to get Cayman vaccinated

Cayman is just a few days away from the deadline of 9th June – the last day on which people here can get their first dose, to be in time to get their second dose before the ultimate expiry of the vaccine on 30th June.

27 May, 2021


His Excellency, Governor Martyn Roper, sat down with Caymanian Times publisher Ralph Lewis and shared his views on a wide range of issues.

27 May, 2021

Minister for Investment, Innovation & Social Development Tours DCFS

The Minister for Investment, Innovation and Social Development (II&SD), Hon. Andre Ebanks and Parliamentary Secretary (Social Development) Ms Heather Bodden undertook an initial ministerial tour of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) on Wednesday, 12 May 2021.

27 May, 2021


When I first made enquiries about Caymanian writings many years ago, Time Longer Dan Rope was one of the first works of which I was told.

27 May, 2021
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