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Minister Turner tests positive for COVID-19

Hon. Sabrina Turner, MP for Prospect, tested positive for COVID-19 this morning using a lateral flow test at home and awaits the results of a confirmatory PCR test.

18 Jul, 2022

CI$15m in new CIDB mortgages available

The Cayman Islands Development Bank has announced they have CI$15 million to lend to Caymanian mortgage seekers and is offering qualifying borrowers interest rates as low as 3.75% for two years, which is significantly below the current prime rate.

19 Jul, 2022

RESEMBID grant supports Government energy efficiency programme

Grant will target public sector and residential buildings to improve energy efficiency

21 Jul, 2022

Standard Student Registration Closes; Late Registration Begins

The Department of Education Services (DES) advises parents and guardians that standard student registration is now closed for the 2022/2023 academic year.

21 Jul, 2022

Police Report on Serious Collisions over the Weekend

This past weekend, between Friday 15 July and Sunday 17 July, police and other emergency services responded to over 25 vehicle collisions, several of which were serious incidents that involved injuries.

21 Jul, 2022

95 new COVID cases reported for Wednesday

Eleven patients were hospitalised with COVID-19 on 20 July, and of these, one was unvaccinated.  

22 Jul, 2022


“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”

25 Jul, 2022

Missing 2-year-old found deceased on shoreline in Cayman Brac

At around 5:16AM this morning, Tuesday 26 July, emergency services responded to a report of a missing two year old child, in Cayman Brac, who had last been seen at 4.30AM and discovered missing at 5:10AM.

26 Jul, 2022

CCMI Leads New 5-Year Collaboration on Deep Sea Mount Exploration of 12-Mile Bank and Pickle Bank

CCMI has received a £490k grant from the UK’s Darwin Plus Initiative, which has been subsequently matched by a private donor, to support an innovative, collaborative sea mount exploration project.

27 Jul, 2022

Update: Police Investigate Death of Child in Cayman Brac

Police are carrying out a full investigation into the tragic death of a two year old child, and are approaching their investigations with an open mind

29 Jul, 2022
Showing from 10451 of 11260 News