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The Challenges of the Independent Candidate

There are two main categories of candidates who compete in an election. There are those who are the pick of political parties.

27 Feb, 2019


A call by the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, that the UK should revoke Article 50 to leave the European Union is worthy of attention.

22 Mar, 2019


British prime minister Theresa May is obviously keen to escape the fate that befell Margaret Thatcher, the UK’s first women prime minister. Mrs May is the second.

12 Apr, 2019

Opposition Objects to Waiving of Backlog of Vehicle Licensing Fees

The Hon. Ezzard Miller, Leader of the Official Opposition, has raised concerns about the Cabinet’s announced amnesty for owners of unlicensed vehicles, particularly with respect to the waiving of a backlog of millions of dollars in fees owed to Government.

29 Apr, 2019


Tensions and uncertainty continue to rise in - and about - Venezuela as the self-declared interim president Juan Guiado ramps up his moves to force Nicolas Maduro from office.

01 May, 2019

USA 2020

It’s early days yet but already US President DonaldTrump and former vice-president Joe Biden are squaring off to go head for next year’s US presidential election.

08 May, 2019

Michael Gourzong Memorial Classic Returns for Second Year

The Michael Gourzong Memorial Classic will take place on Saturday, 22 June at the CIFA Field near Prospect Primary School starting at 10am.

19 Jun, 2019

Rotary Sunrise starts year with a growing family

The Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Sunrise (Rotary Sunrise) held its first meeting 3 July 2019 by newly installed President, Patricia Steward. President Pat’s first order of business was to induct four new members into the club.

10 Jul, 2019

NiCE Summer Project Tackles Sargassum

Four hundred and eighty-six unemployed Caymanians and out-of-work spouses of Caymanians attended the National Community Enhancement (NiCE) summer project’s registration and orientation recently. This season’s two-week paid initiative is taking place Monday, 8 – Friday, 19 July.

10 Jul, 2019

Ministry Presents Annual Reports for Statutory Authorities in the LA

The Ministry of Financial Services presented annual reports for the Auditors Oversight Authority (AOA), Cayman Islands Stock Exchange Ltd (CSX) and the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) to the Legislative Assembly, which started on Wednesday, 24 July.

26 Jul, 2019
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