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COVID - 19

Cayman Islands expands list of securely verifiable vaccination records

As of Friday, 23 July 2021, the Cayman Islands Government (CIG) has expanded the list of countries from which secure evidence of vaccination is accepted.

26 Jul, 2021


The St Helena Legislature has been dissolved in preparation for the next general election.

12 Aug, 2021

126 Positive COVID 19 results reported on Wednesday

Of these, there are 126 positive tests comprising three positive travellers and 123 positive tests from the community.

27 Oct, 2021 1 Comments

Price reductions at Fosters following newly waived duties

Effective Friday, December 17th, customers will find reduced prices on a variety of essential items, including diapers, feminine-hygiene products, and baby food. This following Cabinet’s announcement on November 23rd that duties would be waived on these products.

20 Dec, 2021 1 Comments

Caymanian appointed to Deputy Director of International Marketing and Promotions

The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism (CIDOT) has announced the appointment of Mr. Gary Hendricks-Dominguez to Deputy Director of International Marketing and Promotions (DDIMP).

13 Jan, 2022


The snap election in Barbados is now history. Notwithstanding many issues which were raised to postpone the election, the people have spoken.

27 Jan, 2022

Census reveals Cayman’s 2021 population figures

The 2021 Census survey preliminary report has been released and reveals that the total population of the country in 2021 stood at 69,656.

01 Mar, 2022

Uncle Bill passes

The Progressives family is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mr William (Bill) McTaggart, father of the Hon Roy McTaggart.

04 Apr, 2022

Crave less sugar

If I were to award a single food item with the title of ‘Fastest Way To Pack On The Pounds’, hands down the winner would be refined sugar.

06 Oct, 2022

Cayman’s ‘Father of Steel,’ celebrated

Earl La Pierre is the father of steel pan in the Cayman Islands, and so it was fitting that there should be an evening dedicated to his music and his achievements at the Harquail Theatre on 15 December. It was called, “A Celbration of Earl la Pierre,”

22 Dec, 2022
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