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Church group hosts its finale to Older Persons Month

The grand finale to October’s seniors’ recognition activities by the Adventist Community Services Department took place on Sunday (October 31, 2021) at the Pedro St. James Castle.

03 Nov, 2021

Retraining for reopening - an opportunity missed?

The most recent edition of 'The Panel' on Caymanian Times explored in-depth the longstanding and seemingly intractable issue of balancing jobs for Caymanians with the demands of the private sector, especially the tourism industry, and government revenues from work permits.

07 Dec, 2021

Cayman Cigar Company Champions Charity

Dinner, with a twist, was served up at the Abacus restaurant in Camana Bay on Wednesday, 9th February, as the Cayman Cigar Company hosted a special event to showcase cigars made exclusively from Caymnanian grown Tobacco.

14 Feb, 2022 1 Comments

Total Soccer Cayman

On Saturday 28th May, 14 warriors, their coaches and entourage from Total Soccer Cayman in the Cayman Islands embarked upon a journey to the Netherlands to compete in the Rood Wit International Under 10 tournament 2022 in the town of St. Willebrord which took place on 5th and 6th June.

23 Jun, 2022

Nesting Green rescued from poachers

A poaching attempt was intercepted by a DoE Conservation Officer, Chadd Bush last Saturday night in Grand Cayman.

10 Aug, 2022

Bill Proposes Reducing Drivers’ Alcohol Limit

With Cabinet’s approval, Government is proposing to reduce Cayman Islands’ lenient admissible blood alcohol limit for drivers from 0.1% to 0.07%, to enhance deterrence against driving under the influence.

16 Aug, 2022 1 Comments

Premier tells Speaker to resign

This afternoon Premier Panton issued a statement which outlined that he had received media inquiries concerning the statements made by the Speaker of the House, and as reported in Loop News

17 Sep, 2022

Mottley blasts rich on climate issues

Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados, again criticised industrialised nations for failing the developing world on the climate crisis, in a blistering attack at the Cop27 UN climate talks in South Africa.

17 Nov, 2022

Health Services Authority receives Cayman Art Week Collection donated by Susan A. Olde, OBE

A collection of 53 pieces of art created during the pandemic and exhibited at Cayman Art Week (CAW) in 2021 was donated by Mrs Susan A Olde, OBE to the Cayman Islands Health Services Authority.

24 Nov, 2022 1 Comments

Property Insurance rates to increases by 15% - 30% in 2023

The Cayman Islands Insurance Association (CIIA) is notifying residents of the Cayman Islands that they should anticipate increases in their property insurance premium rates in 2023.

30 Nov, 2022 1 Comments
Showing from 1191 of 11260 News