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The Ministry of Culture’s relocation of a centuries old traditional, Caymanian style cottage from George Town to the National Trust’s Mission House property in Bodden Town took place on Sunday 05th January, 2020, after months of planning.

08 Jan, 2020

Ministry of CPI announces staff appointments

The Ministry of Commerce, Planning and Infrastructure wishes to announce the recent appointment of Darvy Whittaker and Leah Watson to new positions within the Ministry.

10 Jan, 2020

Canada will welcome royal pair

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau agrees taxpayers in his country should pick up the huge bill for the couple’s round-the-clock protection while they are there.

15 Jan, 2020

New surgeon to expand orthopaedic services at the HSA

The Health Services Authority (HSA) is expanding its specialist orthopedic services with the recruitment of a new orthopaedic surgeon, Dr Allan Larsen who recently joined the staff.

17 Jan, 2020

Bendel Hydes Career Catalogue Donated to Local Schools and Libraries

The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands, along with lead project partners Susan Olde, OBE, and the Ministry of Health, Environment, Culture and Housing, are proud to present the Bendel Hydes Retrospective catalogue to district and school libraries across the Cayman Islands.

25 Jan, 2020

Cuba is most sustainably developed country in the world

Cuba was recently found to be the most sustainably developed country in the world, according to the Sustainable Development Index.

29 Jan, 2020 1 Comments

Then & Now. The George Town Post Office

Sitting squarely in the middle of George Town, the General Post Office has been serving the needs of the Cayman public since it first opened its door in 1939.

17 Feb, 2020

CAF helps youngsters love music

Hundreds of people took pleasure in some fantastic musical performances over the past couple of weeks as the annual Cayman Arts Festival programme brought classical, jazz, and even big brass band music to the Cayman Islands in fine style.

19 Feb, 2020

Quintessential Life

Jaslyne Bridges runs Quintessential Life, which is all about using essential oils from plants for just about every aspect of living: “I believe that you have five areas of wellness,” she said....

11 Mar, 2020


Following what has been described by Government as the excellent public response to the three-day total lockdown last week, the territory is now into the “Stay Home Cayman” phase.

27 Mar, 2020
Showing from 1231 of 11260 News