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Gender equality, same-sex marriage, LGBTQ+ rights and the abolitionist movement of the 18th and 19th centuries—what do they have in common? Is it a fair and reasonable comparison, or are they so dissimilar in nature so as to merit only statements of contrast? Let us ponder this question.

30 Aug, 2019

CIFS Career Development Builds Momentum

Over the past two years, the Cayman Islands Fire Service (CIFS) has been on a journey towards becoming a world class uniformed service.

25 Sep, 2019

Venezuela’s neighbours vote for action

At US urging, leaders from numerous Latin American countries on Monday voted to crack down on members of Venezuela’s socialist government who have committed acts of corruption, human rights abuse and drug trafficking.

25 Sep, 2019

The Change Project

On Friday night, at a red carpet premiere at Camana Bay theatres, Logic and Vagabond Media Group launched their new documentary video titled ‘The Change Project’ as an in depth look at cyberbullying in the Cayman Islands

28 Oct, 2019

Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories Lay Remembrance Wreaths at Cenotaph for First Time

Representatives of the Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories have laid wreaths for the first time at the National Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph (Sunday 10th November 2019).

11 Nov, 2019

Duterte’s health concerns grow

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is famous for his strongman persona but the concern over his increasing poor health is growing.

22 Nov, 2019


There lots of healthy teas that we can and should consume. Green tea, matcha green tea, Oolong, Turmeric just to mention a few. However, there’s one that’s now taking the health market by storm, so to speak. I am talking about BANANA TEA.

11 Dec, 2019

Quintessential Life

Jaslyne Bridges runs Quintessential Life, which is all about using essential oils from plants for just about every aspect of living....

13 Jan, 2020

Quake Shakes Paradise

Business came to s a screeching halt and schools dismissed, as the Cayman Islands experienced a magnitude 7.7 earthquake on 28th January, 2020.

29 Jan, 2020

Cayman Airport Voted Caribbean Airport of the Year

The Cayman Islands Airports Authority (CIAA), which owns and operates the Owen Roberts International Airport (ORIA) and the Charles Kirkconnell International Airport (CKIA), announced on Thursday that Owen Roberts International Airport has been awarded....

31 Jan, 2020 5 Comments
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