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Arts and Culture

New exhibition celebrates Sisters’ natural beauty

In an effort to highlight the artists of the Sister Islands first and foremost, while also celebrating the natural landscapes, culture, and wildlife of Little Cayman and Cayman Brac, the National Gallery of the Cayman Islands has launched a new exhibition called ‘Beloved Isles’.

04 Nov, 2021

Let Me Be Brutal Honesty...

But have you been overeating this month? Most people have. Holiday indulgences are in full swing…between rich party food, dinners and piles of seasonal comfort foods. Today I’d like to be brutally honest with you...for your own good.

08 Dec, 2021


As the New Year beckons, we’ve chosen not to overly pre-occupy ourselves with reflecting on 2021.

28 Dec, 2021

Poitier was great for civil rights too

When the death of Sidney Poitier, beloved Bahamian-American and trailblazing movie star, was announced last Friday, black people worldwide were the most saddened but such was his brilliance that everyone of a certain age with even a smattering knowledge of the silver screen was dismayed too.

10 Jan, 2022

COVID affects National Heroes Day 2022

National Heroes Day 2022 observations will involve far fewer participants than usual in keeping with current COVID-19 protocols, according to the Protocol Office.

19 Jan, 2022 1 Comments


The infectious joy of steel pan music seeps from every pore of Earl La Pierre. The pan maestro who has made Cayman his adopted home has brought his passion and musical skills from his birthplace Trinidad and Tobago to Cayman via Toronto.

19 May, 2022 1 Comments

New Exhibition by Artist John Reno Jackson, A Heron Amongst The Storm, Opens at the National Gallery

The National Gallery of the Cayman Islands (NGCI) presents John Reno Jackson: A Heron Amongst The Storm — the artist’s inaugural solo show at NGCI’s Esterly Tibbetts Highway venue.

09 Jun, 2022


As the monkeypox outbreak continues, there are varying trends around the world. Some countries report a decline in cases whilst in other countries cases are increasing.

25 Jul, 2022

Vacation recovery plan

So you went away, saw a new part of the world, and now you’re back. You ate, you drank, you relaxed, and then you ate some more.

27 Jul, 2022


Europe remains the WHO Region reporting the largest number of laboratory-confirmed cases (2933/3413; 86%) Cases were also reported from the African Region (73/3413, 2%), the Americas (381/3413, 11%), Eastern Mediterranean Region (15/3413, <1%) and Western Pacific Region (11/3413, <1%). One death was

29 Aug, 2022
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