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New Boards Appointed for Cayman Airways and Air and Sea Port Authorities

The Ministry of Tourism and Transport is pleased to announce that Cabinet has approved the appointment of new members to the Boards of Directors for the Cayman Islands Airports Authority (CIAA), Cayman Airways (CAL) and the Port Authority Cayman Islands (PACI).

09 Sep, 2021

UCCI Alumna is Cayman’s First Female Forecaster

Kerrie Forbes likens Caribbean weather to a pot of boiling water. You may know the temperature and condition of the water, but it’s hard to predict where a bubble will break the surface.

20 Sep, 2021

Opposition: New Bills unconstitutional and against European Human Rights

Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has written to the Government on behalf of the Opposition pleading with them to withdraw the Customs & Border Control Amendment Bill and The Immigration Transition Amendment Bill being discussed in Parliament this Monday

04 Oct, 2021

National Heroes Day 2022 Nominations Drive Continues

With the nomination period for National Heroes Day (NHD) 2022 closing on Saturday, 16 October 2021, the Ministry of Youth, Sports, Culture and Heritage reminds the public to put forward eligible persons for recognition.

04 Oct, 2021

Education Ministry Brings Forward Start of Mid-Term Break

The Ministry of Education has brought forward the dates when government primary and secondary schools, located on Grand Cayman will close for midterm break.
John Gray and Clifton Hunter High Schools are now scheduled to close on Thursday, 7 October.

07 Oct, 2021

Pacman fights in parliament now

When Manny Pacquiao visited Grand Cayman a few years ago to attend a local boxing show, he was feted everywhere, especially by the sizeable Filipino community. Some superstars are aloof and prickly with adoring fans. Not Pacman. He truly is a man of the people.

07 Oct, 2021

Cayman sends recovery supplies to Honduras

More than 11,000 pounds of relief and aid and essential supplies have been airlifted from Grand Cayman to Guanaja, Bay Islands, Honduras, in response to a devastating fire on Bonnaca Cay earlier this month.

12 Oct, 2021

Cayman in line for game changer Covid drugs

The Cayman Islands, as an Overseas Territory of the UK, is currently being considered for inclusion by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office when it comes to the distribution of what has been termed “game changer” anti-viral drugs to help people fight Covid-19.

02 Nov, 2021

Airlift Return

Airlift Return

15 Nov, 2021

THIS WEEK IN TIME: 15 November, 2016

With the Kimpton Seafire becoming something of an integral part of many residents’ weekend relaxation these days, it is hard to believe that it only opened just five years ago.

18 Nov, 2021
Showing from 1631 of 11260 News