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“When fisherman cannot go to sea, they repair nets.” That bit of sage advice quoted from popular Australia-based travel writer Nabil Sabio Azadi is being used as the template to prepare Cayman and other Caribbean tourist destinations for life after COVID-19.

06 Apr, 2020

Editorial: A helping hand for small business

If you’ve been a regular listener to the daily government press conferences, you would surely have heard the Premier warning that we are in for a tough ride that will not be coming to an end in the immediate future.

08 Apr, 2020

Canada fuming as US get its face masks

The tense relationship between Canada and the United States has worsened after a Canadian politician claimed that President Donald Trump has blocked the delivery of three million face masks designed to help fight the coronavirus outbreak.

08 Apr, 2020 1 Comments

South Florida Stories: Reports and personal accounts from the Covid-19 new normal reality

It is an atypically steamy-hot bright Tuesday in Miami with temperatures running in the mid 90’s.

15 Apr, 2020

Anti-Corruption Commission Statement: Charges

On 14 April 2020 Investigators from the Anti-Corruption Commission charged....

20 Apr, 2020

Canada virtual vigil after mass shooting

Canada is holding a national virtual vigil this week to honour the victims of the country’s deadliest shooting, which unfolded in Nova Scotia as the province was locked-down due to coronavirus.

22 Apr, 2020

CAACI’s COVID-19 Business Continuity as it pertains to the Cayman Islands Aircraft Registry

During the current circumstances of “shelter in place” and “social distancing”, the CAACI continues to function in terms of providing regulatory certification and oversight services.

27 Apr, 2020

Chamber Webinar to Focus on Wills, Estate and Succession Planning in a Covid and Post - Covid-19 World

The Chamber of Commerce will host its fifth free webinar this Wednesday, April 29, 9am to 10:30am under the theme, Supporting Businesses in a Time of Crisis where legal experts will delve into the topic Wills, Estate and Succession Planning in a Covid-19 and Post -Covid-19 World.

27 Apr, 2020

UCCI extends the closure of its campuses until the end of the academic year 2019/2020 but continues to operate online

The University College of the Cayman Islands’ campuses in Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac will remain closed until the end of the academic year, following the April 22 directive issued by the Cayman Islands Government to extend the closure of all educational institutions....

27 Apr, 2020


Residents and business in the Cayman Islands are waiting to hear what the next few days might bring as the government moves to ease the lockdown measures which have been in place for around the past month and a half of an aggressive response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

28 Apr, 2020
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